Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Laurel Highlands

Yesterday I went hiking in the Laurel Highlands, bum arm and all. (You don't need arms to hike). It was a beautiful day, and while Pennsylvania doesn't have any sweeping vistas other than steadily rolling hills covered in trees (which are obscured by even more trees), it was still lovely.

1 comment:

Ryan Moulton said...

Looks beautiful! I'm jealous. :) Are those rhododendrons that are blooming there, or mountain laurel?

Btw, the webcounter you have at the bottom of your page includes links to commercial pages trying to artificially inflate their ranking in search engines. Webcounter sites like the one you are using often include links to sites that pay them for links in the code they tell you to paste in with the hope that those links will improve their ranking in Google. This is something we frown upon, and if you are interested in helping to clean up the internet, I'd suggest ditching the webcounter and using Google Analytics. It's probably much nicer anyways and will give you a lot more information.