Saturday, July 04, 2009
In other news, Happy 4th!
Friday, June 12, 2009
It's Been Awhile
In the last month, I have:
- received my Master's degree (!!)
- moved into a new place for the summer
- begun to look for a job in earnest (though I was before too)
- made new friends
- seen old friends move away for good :(
- opened a Netflix account, which is my new consuming hobby
- had far too much fun drinking/going to pubs
Additionally, my family is officially moving from New York. That will be interesting. I never developed an affinity for the place we've lived for over a decade, but it will be weird to have no ties to my parent's new home. Forever after, I will always be a guest; there will be no memories tied to their house, no marks I've made in the past to call it mine in any way. I also won't have a clue as to how to get around the town. I'm happy for them, however, and excited that they're opening a new chapter in their life. I hope to do so with mine as well, and soon!
I've also been rather introspective of late, as tends to happen when a big change occurs in your life. I know that I won't be going back to school for several years, if ever, and starting my career is both exciting and terrifying. Some recent experiences have also pushed me over the edge in desiring to settle somewhere; I've been on the move for a year, and have felt like I was in transition for over 2. I want a place to call my own, and to grow some roots. Not that I don't have roots here in Pittsburgh, but they are inexorably tied to Carnegie Mellon and the people there. My life has now gone beyond the university, and while I love it and always will, it's time for me to expand my network and make new connections. It's tough when I don't plan on being in Pittsburgh past the summer though: everything is transient, every one I meet I wonder "will I ever see this person again?". I'm frustrated that this is where I've placed myself, but I suppose it's better than being at home, with nothing to do.
I hope to do more writing here during the summer, and finish my Australia series before I forget it all. Cheers!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Oh Joe!

I work part time for a small nonprofit in East Liberty. Most of the time I work from home, but occasionally I have to go out to their office. At those times, I also go and grab my groceries from Trader Joe's. I just went today.
Every time I shop there, I am impressed by the store. It doesn't have as wide a selection of products as traditional supermarkets, but that makes it much easier for me to manage my purchases. I don't buy those foods that I know I shouldn't (like sweets and junk food), and even if I want to splurge, their snacks are made from healthier ingredients. Buying the Trader Joe's brand is also about the same price as Market District - and tastier - and they have a large selection of organic produce and other foods. And their prices are much more reasonable than Whole Foods.
What sets this grocery apart from the rest is their service. The cashier's are so friendly and talkative, and all the workers are very helpful. They make sure that you've found all the items you needed for the day, and chat about the weather, etc. I always feel happy after I leave.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
My Love Affair
I'm still tired and sore, but that is a welcome rather than dreaded effect. I've increased my confidence, and I miss you when I can't see you every day. Oh my treadmill, I love you so!
About a month ago, I decided that I needed to get off my butt and start working out again. I was very regular with yoga in Adelaide, and campus was a 3k walk each way. I didn't realize how much of a workout that was until I came back to Pittsburgh and an apartment just minutes away from everything I needed to access. So, after a month or two of nothing (I tried Bikram, but it's just too much of a hassle to get to the Strip and back consistently), it was back to the gym!
I've also had this dream of training for a marathon. Running has never been my strong point and I've never liked it. It's also caused me many physical problems (twisted, ankle, sprained knee and other ligaments) which have prevented me from developing a rhythm. This spring, however, running seemed to click. It's still hard, and I'm not very strong yet, but I've been increasing my speed and endurance gradually. In the near future I plan on running in a 5k - I figured I'd start out small. Marathons are tough!
Due to the winter, I've been running inside on a treadmill (it's also easier to maintain a consistent speed too), but with the weather perking up and my strength increasing, I've taken to running outside in my neighborhood. Let's hope, with baby steps, that I can keep this up!!
In other news, Pittsburgh and Oakland particularly have been filled with police from all over the country! They all came for the memorial services of the three police officers that were killed last weekend in Stanton Heights. Both Forbes and Fifth Avenue were impassable; cops came from as far as California and Ontario. My room has been filled with the noise of police sirens blaring down the street all day. It's a moving sight (and sound).
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
Top 10 Rejection Lines Given by Women (and what they actually mean..)
10. I think of you as a brother. (You remind me of that inbred banjo-playing geek in “Deliverance”)9. There’s a slight difference in our ages. (You are one Jurassic geezer)
8. I’m not attracted to you in ‘that’ way (You are the ugliest dork I’ve ever laid eyes upon)
7. My life is too complicated right now. (I don’t want you spending the whole night or else you
may hear phone calls from all the other guys I’m seeing)
6. I’ve got a boyfriend (who’s really my male cat and a half gallon of Ben & Jerry’s)
5. I don’t date men where I work (Hey bud, I wouldn’t even date you if you were in the same solar system, much less the same building)
4. It’s not you, it’s me (It’s not me, it’s you)
3. I’m concentrating on my career (Even something as boring and unfulfilling as my job is better than dating you.)
2. I’m celibate. (I’ve sworn off *only* the men like you.)
…..and the #1 rejection line given by women (and what it actually means)
1. Let’s be friends. (I want you to stay around so I can tell you in excruciating detail about all the other men I meet and have sex with.
Top 10 Rejection Lines Given by Men (and what they actually mean...)
10. I think of you as a sister (I've thought about doing you, but I just can't picture it in my head. As I tell you this right now, I'm thinking about doing still ain't workin' out)
9. There’s a slight difference in our ages. (I can't picture you as a MILF)
8. I’m not attracted to you in ‘that’ way. (You’re ugly)
7. My life is too complicated right now. (You talk too much)
6. I’ve got a girlfriend (You’re ugly) - I dunno why a guy would ever say this if the girl was hot
5. I don't date women where I work (You're ugly)
4. It’s not you, it’s me (My girlfriend is on to us)
3. I’m concentrating on my career (You talk way too damn much)
2. I'm celibate (No man would ever use this)
…..and the #1 rejection line given by men (and what it actually means)
1. Let’s be friends (After many attempts at thinking about doing you, in a variety of different positions, and scenarios, I have failed on behalf of my gender and must now place you into the un-doable category) - also see "I think of you as a sister"
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Scuba Training - Days One and Two
A long-overdue continuation of the travel tales...
Scuba Training – Day One
Monday dawned bright and already warm. We woke up individually, and all scattered to find some breakfast before we walked the short distance to the Cairns Dive Centre (CDC), where we’d be doing our training. After meeting our trainer, a swarthy red-headed South African named Renaldo, we filled out paperwork and waited for everyone else to trickle in. The group numbered about 15, mostly Brits with a smattering of Germans, a Norwegian, an Aussie, a Dutch girl with whom we made great friends with, and a few more people. The morning was spent in theory, the afternoon in the pool, where we got into gear and had our first play underwater. I wasn’t sure if my ears would hold up; I was getting pain when I tried to dive past a few meters. Luckily, I learned to equalize quickly, and the problem subsided.
Scuba itself is a great experience. The gear is relatively simple to use, and while heavy when you first put it on, obviously loses its weight on your shoulders when you enter the water. The pool was tiny and cramped with 15 people in large metal gear and fins trying to swim around in it.
After a long day in the pool and classroom, we were able to get back to our hostel, take a kip, and then head out for dinner. A local pub had a nice deal for hostel-goers that provided a free meal with purchase of a drink. The food was plain but good and plentiful, and the vibe was just right. It made it a great and inexpensive way to eat dinner in Cairns while we were staying there.
Scuba Training – Day Two
Tuesday started even early than Monday, with more classroom and pool training. We learned new skills, and ended the day with a written exam (I passed) and diving physical to make sure we were healthy enough to endure the rigors of a dive. We ate at the same pub as the previous time, meeting with Berdien, the Dutch girl who was also doing the training course. We went to bed early again, as the next morning we were heading out to the Reef!