Saturday, September 30, 2006

19 days!

It's official. I just bought my ticket to go to California over midsemester break. Now I will be completely insufferable and unliveable-with for the next three weeks in anticipation. :) Well, maybe not totally, but I'm really excited.

Also, what is this and why was it passed? What has this country come to? This country is a mockery of what it once was, and could be, with things like this happening in our legislature, and it needs to be stopped.

Whew, ok, I've stepped off my soapbox now. I don't say political things that often in this blog, but every so often something is so egregiously wrong that it just needs to be stated. And this is one of those times.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

And I thought this year was going to be easy...

But I was wrong. Granted, I love it. But for once I'd like to have a week (or weekend) completely and totally to myself so that I can watch tv, read a recreational book, catch up on some homework, or anything!! I think I need to revamp my time management skills. They got kinda mutilated this summer, when I didn't have anything to do. Man, I was a bum! And I don't know how I got through this summer with my sanity. .... And I feel like a broken record. That's it, NO MORE complaining about work.

In other news, Soundbytes is singing in the Relay for Life talent show this Friday night. Come show some support! It'll be in Gesling Stadium. The event goes all night, but the talent show is from 8-9pm. Hope to see you there!!

Oh, and I <3 running. :)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

New Blog Format

I just switched to the new beta of Google's blogger, and I really like it. It's a lot easier to personalize (especially for non-technical people like me). In switching I decided that I wanted to change the whole layout of my blog, because I was sick of the old one. So enjoy the new look!

In other news, today I'm being voted on for Student Senate. Wish me luck! I really hope I get it. I could do so much good. :)

Saturday, September 16, 2006

My life on speed

So, someone who reads this blog must have noticed that something happened to me at the end of August, because I stopped posting. I find it very humorous that the lazy slow summertime yielded more blog posts than the current helter-skelter pandemonium of my current state. I have way more to say right now, but much less time to say it. Ah, so it goes...

I have been so busy with things that today was a marked contrast from the previous three weeks. I finally got a day to veg without feeling guilty (or missing some meeting). This is my first weekend to myself, and I LOVE it. Granted, I still have tons of work, and Soundbytes callbacks, and grading, and sleep to catch up on, but I get to make my schedule, rather than have it dictated for me by the myriad meetings I attend every week. Who knew my life could get so packed?

Last night I went to an awesome party. Unfortunately I couldn't stay later than midnight because I had to get up early for Soundbytes callbacks, which were fun, and sad in a way. I hate getting to know people only to have to give them a rejection, because everyone is nice and friendly and has some quality that makes them cool, but the sheer fact is that 90% of them won't make it. If we weren't that selective our group would be up to 50 people by now. Talk about a choir!

The rest of the day I spent vegged in front of the tv (productive, I know). I'll go do some reading now, or programming or something. I just really needed this time to chill, because next week will be another hold-on-by-the-fingernails week. And tomorrow is a major work day. I have to hold 3-4 hours of Soundbytes callbacks, grade, program, read, start my research and do stuff for work, update my resume, and look into the Truman Scholarship (which will be one hell of a commitment). I'm not sure that I'll have time, but I'm going to try to make time for it. 30,000 dollars for grad school? Sounds good to me.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Switching into high gear


That's the word of the hour, the day, the week, the year. I've had a week of class and already I'm behind on my homework, tired, and stressed. Granted, not all of that has to do with school-related stuff. I mean, I'm only taking four classes.... but I'm doing research with SDS.... and I'm TA-ing.... and I'm still director of Soundbytes.... and I work for the ACLU still.... and I'm in Student Senate.... and I'm choreographing for DS.... and I have to go to a funeral on Saturday.... and Ryan just left after visiting for a weekend..............

Hence the Oi!

However, once things quiet down (IF things quiet down) I think I'm going to have a great semester, and a great year. I was hoping to take it easy this year, but given everything else I'm doing, or planning on doing, that probably won't happen. And it's looking like I won't have an easy Senior year either, since I'm seriously considering the 5th year master's program in public policy, and that starts in your Senior year.

On a lighter note, Ryan's visit was spectacular, and I got to see a ton of him and a lot of his friends, which was really nice. I ate better than I have in a long time, but I think that was because I was eating with him, and company makes food so much better. We went to Frick Park, and to half off, and visited Rolli and such, and hung out with some Soundbytes people. The only downside to this weekend was that I got behind on work that I should have been doing, but I can make it up. At least he helped me on my programming (I'm gonna miss having him around for that). :)

Ok, bedtime. The morrow brings much busy-ness and stress. But I can handle it. If I keep telling myself that, it's bound to be true, right?