Saturday, September 16, 2006

My life on speed

So, someone who reads this blog must have noticed that something happened to me at the end of August, because I stopped posting. I find it very humorous that the lazy slow summertime yielded more blog posts than the current helter-skelter pandemonium of my current state. I have way more to say right now, but much less time to say it. Ah, so it goes...

I have been so busy with things that today was a marked contrast from the previous three weeks. I finally got a day to veg without feeling guilty (or missing some meeting). This is my first weekend to myself, and I LOVE it. Granted, I still have tons of work, and Soundbytes callbacks, and grading, and sleep to catch up on, but I get to make my schedule, rather than have it dictated for me by the myriad meetings I attend every week. Who knew my life could get so packed?

Last night I went to an awesome party. Unfortunately I couldn't stay later than midnight because I had to get up early for Soundbytes callbacks, which were fun, and sad in a way. I hate getting to know people only to have to give them a rejection, because everyone is nice and friendly and has some quality that makes them cool, but the sheer fact is that 90% of them won't make it. If we weren't that selective our group would be up to 50 people by now. Talk about a choir!

The rest of the day I spent vegged in front of the tv (productive, I know). I'll go do some reading now, or programming or something. I just really needed this time to chill, because next week will be another hold-on-by-the-fingernails week. And tomorrow is a major work day. I have to hold 3-4 hours of Soundbytes callbacks, grade, program, read, start my research and do stuff for work, update my resume, and look into the Truman Scholarship (which will be one hell of a commitment). I'm not sure that I'll have time, but I'm going to try to make time for it. 30,000 dollars for grad school? Sounds good to me.

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