Sunday, April 30, 2006


t-minus 5 days and counting until classes are over!

Too bad I still don't know where I'm living, or exactly where I'm working this summer....

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Let the work...continue?

For starters, it's probably not a good thing that you're reading this entry, because it shouldn't technically be here. I'm wasting precious time in writing it, time I really can't afford to waste doing things other than work. But here I am wasting time writing. Such is life.

I seriously don't know how I'm going to get it all done. What's more, I strangely don't care. I'm so sick of doing work for classes I hate. And the worst thing is that I probably wouldn't hate these classes if I wasn't taking them at the same time. I would actually enjoy them... maybe. But piling all the work of six classes, three that are quite time-consuming and difficult, is a stretch. It's too bad I didn't recognize it sooner. That's irrelevant now though. What is relevant are the two project-experiments I have to complete, a huge paper to finish, a presentation to prepare, a dance (plastique anime) to choreograph, studying for exams to do, and oh yeah, homework that my professors keep piling on....

Pray for me.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Carnival's End

Carnival was great this year! I got drunk for the first time (I know, laugh it up) and went to a wedding that made me feel very old, saw booth and mobot races, missed buggy for the second time (poo) and, the best part, didn't do ANY work WHATSOEVER. I feel refreshed, and although these next two weeks might kill me, I am more capable of handling it than I would have been able to without the break.

Something also happened this weekend, and although I can't give details, I might be busier than I expected to be next year...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Soooo unlike most schools, Carnegie Mellon doesn't recognize most religious holidays. Some professors cancel class on Jewish holidays (because they're Jewish) but it's not a formally sanctioned holiday by the school. However, we do get time off one weekend each April, and things get so crazy around here that CMU looks kinda like a normal college campus for a short time.

This year I'm excited, because I'm not sick like last year and because there are some fun things going on. I know more about it, and I have a list of things to do already semi-planned. However, most of the fun of Carnival is just doing whatever the hell you want, so all of what I'm going to do is, hopefully, going to be spontanous.

Unfortunately for me, I have so much work that it would be very beneficial for my poor little GPA if I spent the whole break doing that instead of partying.... but who wants to do that?

Monday, April 17, 2006

First post

Being a Google product junkie (fed mostly by my soon-to-be Google employee boyfriend) I've decided to check out this blog to see how I like it. Maybe I'll use it instead of xanga, which seems kind of confined. Enjoy reading my thoughts in the days to come!