Thursday, March 06, 2008

Why don't people blog anymore?

Seriously. I'm usually fairly regular about it, once a week or so, partly because I like using my blog as a means of connecting with people I see rarely, and partly to keep a history of what I've been up to, to reference in the future (at least, that would be an option). However, much of what I love about blogs has nothing to do with mine, but with those I try to read. I enjoy hearing other people's thoughts on a variety of subjects, and usually it's a treat to read something well-written and thought out. But recently most of the blogs I peruse regularly have gone off the radar, and nothing has been published in months. It's sad, but true, that I miss these regular updates, even from people I see several times a week. If they don't update now, what's going to happen when I don't see them everyday? This has already started happening, and will be even more significant in a few months.... Graduation is just 73 days away, people! Let's stay connected. Indulge my voyeuristic tendencies! Update! Update more often!!

That is all. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

point taken. i just did, and i'm working on some stuff for awesome time too.