Thursday, July 06, 2006

Tomorrow!!... I mean, TODAY!!

So, today in approximately 17 hours, I will be leaving for Cincinnati to begin my 11 day road trip across the country. I'm really really excited. I'll be driving with Ryan, his mom, and his mom's boyfriend to send him off to California. Although it's not the greatest reason ever (stupid Google ::grumble grumble::), I'm planning on having a really good time. Here's a list of some of the things I'll be doing.

. Grand Canyon (North Rim this time)
. Rocky Mountains
. Las Vegas
. Mojave Desert
. Sequoia National Park
. LOTS of camping!
. moving Ryan in to his new place... on the other side of the continent...

The route (for me) is: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California. Thursday to the following following Monday. 12 days. EXCITING.

I will bring back lots of pictures. Not that many people care. But some might!

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