Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Boredom Part 2

Another survey. I'm really bored tonight.

a little bit different
What's one thing do you own that you don't want anyone to touch?:my computer
The last thing you lost:a sleeping pad
Something you have that you should throw away:my old school papers
Something you're always getting yelled at for:talking too much
Favorite article of clothing:my mint green lounge pants, I wear them almost every day
Something unusual that you can do:I can bend my toes backwards, a little
Scariest movie you ever saw:Event Horizon. It was scary when I was ten
Present you hate getting:I don't like getting things that are useless and knick-knacky
Song that makes you want to dance:Hey Mama by Black Eyed Peas
Last song you got stuck in your head:Passage by Vienna Teng
Favorite scent of lotion or body wash:Vanilla
Dumbest fad you ever saw:Beanie Babies. I can't believe I got snared into buying those stupid things!
Worst line ever heard in a commercial:hmm, can't remember, but there are some gruesome ones
Dream you have over and over:currently, it's being broken up with by my boyfriend in various ways
Worst advice you ever got:"Be above them". It made me snooty
Last question you were asked:Did you close the windows?
Here's your chance to complain:I really dislike it when people pass you over like you're nothing. Seriously, if you don't want to be a friend, then stop pretending. I also hate it when people think
More room if you need it:they're better than you because they have more work. There will always be someone with more work, and if you don't like it, stop.
I am.......:pensive and bored and missing Ryan
Superstition you tend to observe:not stepping on cracks
Favorite muppet:Beaker
Most impulsive thing you do on a whim:going out for breakfast between class (I know, I'm a square)
Happiness is....:being with the people you love
The best thing that ever happened to you:going to college
Something somebody has of yours that you want back:my bath towel
Last thing you yelled about:it was with my mom, but I can't remember what it was about
Just once in my life I would like to...:live in Europe
Funniest scene in the movie Airplane:I've never seen Airplane
One word that cracks you up every time you hear it:CHEESE!!
CD you listen to over and over:Nickel Creek self-titled
Favorite microwave food:popcorn
Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?:ewwww!!
Thishas been more fun than...:sitting around and staying bored
Any last words?:cheese
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You've been totally Bzoink*d


I've succumbed to my boredom, and here is the result. Enjoy!

85 question Survey :)
About me (yes this is timed)
Start Time::10:59pm
Zodiac::Leo (rar!)
Hair Color::brown
Eye color::green
Height::5' 4"
Fav. Color::PIIINKK!
Piercings::ears only
Birthplace::Clarksburg, WV which some people say is another planet
Area Code::not on your life!
Have You ever...
cut your own hair?::maybe when I was little
Did something in the past month that you regret?::not transfer to stanford....
Met someone that you weren't supposed to?::don't think so
Kissed someone who wasn't your b/f or g/f?::nope, I'm loyal
Skipped school?::hmm, not this month
Bungee Jumped?::kinda, it was a bungee swing thing
Dumped someone?::yes, once
Cheated on someone?::never
Been arrested?::Imma good girl
Broken into someones house?::see above
Won something?::apparently I have lucky genes, cause I win a lot
Been rejected?::yep, boys, colleges, friends, but doesn't everyone at some point?
Been to a funeral?::several, but not recently
Used a lighter?::hmm, can't remember
Been on stage?::it was my life at one point in time
Food::at the moment, Pamela's lyonaisse potatoes, yummy!
Ice cream flavor::it changes, but black raspberry is always tasty
School subject::philosophy
Person::Ryan!! (again, i'm loyal)
Book::Pride and Prejudice
Movie::big fan of V for Vendetta, but I really love The Philadelphia Story
Song::Easier by Glen Phillips atm
Park::Schenley of course!
State::I have two: Virginia and Washington
Place::out in the woods, or on a beach, pretty much anywhere I can camp
Sport to watch on TV::football!!
Sport to play::lacrosse
Band::Nickel Creek
Letter::X, because it's underused
Fast food restaurant::Wendy's
Disney Princess::Cinderella
TV Station::TCM (old movies are awesome)
Name for a son::Oliver
Name for a daughter::Claire
Do you perfer...
chocolate or vanilla?::vanilla
alcohol or non?::non usually
long relationships or one night stands?::long relationships (they're the most fulfilling)
dogs or cats?::both
scary movies or comedies?:comedies
short or long hair?::medium
croutons or bacon bits?::croutons
kissing or hugging:kissing AND hugging (I'm a rebel)
1st thing you think of when i say...
Cows::spotted and placid
In the past 2 days have you...
Watched a movie?::no movie, just tv
Talked on the phone?::Ryan, my mom, yeah
Threw up?::No, I haven't for over a year
Drank a glass of water?::Of course
Done drugs?::I don't swing that way
Read a book or magazine?::Ender's Game, Collapse
Watched tv?::too much of it
Looked in a mirror?::How would I make sure I look pretty otherwise?
Taken a shower?::it's hot and sticky outside, what do you think?
Taken a picture?::no, although I should
Listened to music?::yep, I'm in a chill mood currently
Kissed someone?::NO! :( :( :(
Told someone you liked them?::yep, Ryan, about a dozen times
Chatted online?::yessir
Commented someone?::oh, it took me a second, no
Made a new layout for your MySpace?::I don't have a myspace
Bought something?::I just went shopping with Mommy :)
End time::11:18pm
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

Monday, May 29, 2006

Reading List (an ongoing project)

In the attempt to make myself productive (and to keep from being bored) I've compiled a reading list of books or topics I want to read and know more about in general. Here it is, in its initial form (and I'm sure will be altered and added to in the weeks and months to come):

- Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card (completed, and very worth the reading)
- A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller, Jr.
- The Telling by Ursula K. Leguin
- Collapse by Jared Diamond (begun)
- The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov
- a Marie Antoinette biography (I'm intrigued by her life and the French Revolution)
- the collected works of Henrik Ibsen
- a play by Virginia Woolf (as yet to be determined)
- at least one Shakespeare play (I have his collected works, and have already read a few, so why not?)
- another Edward Albee play
- Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett
- finish the collected works of Ray Bradbury
- a novel by E.M. Forster (as yet to be determined)
- the rest of the readings I couldn't finish from last semester
- Cicero
- and, to reward myself, a rereading of my old favorite, Pride and Prejudice

I think that's a good start to my list. As you may have noticed (all those who care to read this blog) there are a lot of plays on the list. I have long felt that I have neglected dramatic works, and need to spend some time catching up. Plus, they are short (a couple of hours reading at most for some) and so I don't have to pour over them for a long time, and can read them over if I choose (and probably will for some, to make out more meaning).

Let's see if I can accomplish my goal.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Roommate Tango

So, as many of you know, my living situation was not all that pleasant this year, for a variety of reasons. One of my roommates (the young one hrmmm) rubbed me the wrong way from the minute I walked in the door last August. We battled constantly, back and forth, but it's strange to look back and realize just how little I knew about her life, despite having shared a living space for 8 months. All I knew of her were her volume (loud and louder), her uncleanliness (her hair was everywhere, she never cleaned dishes, empty of half-filled bottles scattered througout the apartment, etc.), her wanton waste, her insomnia (she pulled the weirdest hours), her messed-up friends, and her incredible dislike for me, among other things. I'm sure all she knew of me was my continual nagging to clean up and help out and pleading with her to turn the volume of her music down. I'd rather not have someone thinking that that is all that I am, but I suppose it can't be helped now.

Anyway, it comes time to leave, and I'm the last one. I figured I'd be doing most of the cleaning up because I'm the last, but I was fervently hoping that she would at least clean the dishes that had been molding in the kitchen from her use. However, totally disappointed with that one. Not only did she fail to clean up after herself, Maggie and I seriously thought she hadn't left until we realized she hadn't come back for two days. A list would make it easier to explain why:

1. she didn't clean anything up
2. she had left things in the bathroom
3. she had left things in the kitchen
4. her tv, microwave, and other boxes were left sitting outside the door in the hall (actually blocking it to the point where Maggie had to move them)

With so much stuff left, we seriously thought she was coming back. Her friends ended up moving the boxes in the hall to storage, and I don't know what I would have done if they had been left to sit there. I probably would have sold them (hey, they'd be pitched anyway, and I was NOT about to move them to storage for her. I'm not that altruistic). However, the stuff in the apartment is here to stay:

1. 5 pitchers that she bought to use for her drinking party
2. a huge party jug thingy
3. ALL of her pots, pans, and kitchen stuff
4. shot glasses
5. a pair of pants
6. what seems like a very expensive and as yet unworn pair of knee-high boots

The worst thing about all of this? I have to pack it all up and make sure that I or Maggie don't get charged for them being left. Firstly, I wouldn't move them to storage because a) that would be a lot of work for me and b) I can't get a hold of her to actually do that for her. Secondly, she seems to care so little for the stuff since she left it all that I doubt it would even be worth it to do so.

The nicest thing about all of this? The boots seem to be just my size.... :P

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

another year gone...

With the horribleness that was the Final Final, I am now completely done with my sophomore year. It had its ups and downs (now I understand the whole "sophomore slump" concept), but there were still some really good times. Next year will have its problems too, I can already see that (think occasional extreme emotional pain and separation anxiety) but I'm very optimistic. I'm also excited, because I'll have a lot more time to do what I want, when I want, and learn the things I want to learn.

And it's also not here yet, and I have over three glorious months to work, make peanuts (but still get by), hang out with friends, family, and more-than-friends (::wink::), and relax my tired brain to prepare for the coming scholastic brutality that CMU graciously provides.

I also think I've learned more about myself, and although there was no epiphany, no sudden insight into my life and aspirations for the future, I'm confident that there is more to come. I hope I'm ready to take it on...

The Final Final


School felt like it was over on Friday. I had finished 4 exams, 2 papers, and an audition, and I was pooped. But no, the awesomeness of the weekend couldn't carry on until Monday. I just had to have that final final exam on Tuesday.

The last exam is always the one that kills you, because you want the torture to be over, and it's nearly impossible to concentrate on doing your best. You just want to get it over with, regardless of the outcome. You want it to be SUMMER, dammit, and that stupid final is getting in the way of imminent relief and happiness.

Having that last exam a weekend and a day later than your previous one is even worse. It's like you've had a taste of what life is going to be like post-exams, but it's shortly taken away from you come Monday (or Sunday) when you have to get off your vegetative keister and do some serious studying. But who wants to study when their brain is mush? Not me, no sir.

So here I am, almost 2am the night before my 8:30am final tomorrow, and am I studying like a good girl? Nope. I'm writing an entry in my lovely blog, hoping for it to be morning when I can just get this over with, get the B I know I'll get (that's a story in and of itself), and go back to basking in the wonderful realization that I don't have to think for the next 3 and a half months....

Monday, May 08, 2006


Instead of being a good girl and studying for exams I've decided to procrastinate majorly. One person can only take so much cramming before they "esplode". So, here's a love and hate list, influenced by my current mood:

Things I Love (in no particular order):

1. Billy Joel concertos
2. seeing Ryan rock back and forth on his chair in deep concentration
3. Pringles
4. Wild Cherry Pepsi
5. dancing
6. sudoku
7. flowers
8. the end of the semester
9. puppies
10. pride and prejudice

Things I Hate:

1. noisy neighbors
3. dadss
2. sudoku
3. people who don't respond to IMs even though you know they are on
4. dirty dishes
5. the national debt
6. dadss again (cause you can't just hate on it once)
7. the end of the semester
8. being dehydrated
9. lack of sleep
10. california

Yep, it could be made a lot longer, but I should stop procrastinating now and get back to work. poo....

Saturday, May 06, 2006

End of Semester/DS

So.... the semester's finally over. How can time move so slowly and quickly simultaneously? I'm so glad I'm done with stupid classes (DADSS comes to mind...) and that I can relax and have some fun. However, Ryan's leaving in less than two weeks, and that makes me really really sad. I don't want him to leave.

DS was tonight and last night also, and it was awesome! My dancer's were awesome, and all my dances were really great. I really improved as a dancer this semester, and next semester's dance should be really really fun.