Monday, May 08, 2006


Instead of being a good girl and studying for exams I've decided to procrastinate majorly. One person can only take so much cramming before they "esplode". So, here's a love and hate list, influenced by my current mood:

Things I Love (in no particular order):

1. Billy Joel concertos
2. seeing Ryan rock back and forth on his chair in deep concentration
3. Pringles
4. Wild Cherry Pepsi
5. dancing
6. sudoku
7. flowers
8. the end of the semester
9. puppies
10. pride and prejudice

Things I Hate:

1. noisy neighbors
3. dadss
2. sudoku
3. people who don't respond to IMs even though you know they are on
4. dirty dishes
5. the national debt
6. dadss again (cause you can't just hate on it once)
7. the end of the semester
8. being dehydrated
9. lack of sleep
10. california

Yep, it could be made a lot longer, but I should stop procrastinating now and get back to work. poo....

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