Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Final Final


School felt like it was over on Friday. I had finished 4 exams, 2 papers, and an audition, and I was pooped. But no, the awesomeness of the weekend couldn't carry on until Monday. I just had to have that final final exam on Tuesday.

The last exam is always the one that kills you, because you want the torture to be over, and it's nearly impossible to concentrate on doing your best. You just want to get it over with, regardless of the outcome. You want it to be SUMMER, dammit, and that stupid final is getting in the way of imminent relief and happiness.

Having that last exam a weekend and a day later than your previous one is even worse. It's like you've had a taste of what life is going to be like post-exams, but it's shortly taken away from you come Monday (or Sunday) when you have to get off your vegetative keister and do some serious studying. But who wants to study when their brain is mush? Not me, no sir.

So here I am, almost 2am the night before my 8:30am final tomorrow, and am I studying like a good girl? Nope. I'm writing an entry in my lovely blog, hoping for it to be morning when I can just get this over with, get the B I know I'll get (that's a story in and of itself), and go back to basking in the wonderful realization that I don't have to think for the next 3 and a half months....

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