Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I've succumbed to my boredom, and here is the result. Enjoy!

85 question Survey :)
About me (yes this is timed)
Start Time::10:59pm
Zodiac::Leo (rar!)
Hair Color::brown
Eye color::green
Height::5' 4"
Fav. Color::PIIINKK!
Piercings::ears only
Birthplace::Clarksburg, WV which some people say is another planet
Area Code::not on your life!
Have You ever...
cut your own hair?::maybe when I was little
Did something in the past month that you regret?::not transfer to stanford....
Met someone that you weren't supposed to?::don't think so
Kissed someone who wasn't your b/f or g/f?::nope, I'm loyal
Skipped school?::hmm, not this month
Bungee Jumped?::kinda, it was a bungee swing thing
Dumped someone?::yes, once
Cheated on someone?::never
Been arrested?::Imma good girl
Broken into someones house?::see above
Won something?::apparently I have lucky genes, cause I win a lot
Been rejected?::yep, boys, colleges, friends, but doesn't everyone at some point?
Been to a funeral?::several, but not recently
Used a lighter?::hmm, can't remember
Been on stage?::it was my life at one point in time
Food::at the moment, Pamela's lyonaisse potatoes, yummy!
Ice cream flavor::it changes, but black raspberry is always tasty
School subject::philosophy
Person::Ryan!! (again, i'm loyal)
Book::Pride and Prejudice
Movie::big fan of V for Vendetta, but I really love The Philadelphia Story
Song::Easier by Glen Phillips atm
Park::Schenley of course!
State::I have two: Virginia and Washington
Place::out in the woods, or on a beach, pretty much anywhere I can camp
Sport to watch on TV::football!!
Sport to play::lacrosse
Band::Nickel Creek
Letter::X, because it's underused
Fast food restaurant::Wendy's
Disney Princess::Cinderella
TV Station::TCM (old movies are awesome)
Name for a son::Oliver
Name for a daughter::Claire
Do you perfer...
chocolate or vanilla?::vanilla
alcohol or non?::non usually
long relationships or one night stands?::long relationships (they're the most fulfilling)
dogs or cats?::both
scary movies or comedies?:comedies
short or long hair?::medium
croutons or bacon bits?::croutons
kissing or hugging:kissing AND hugging (I'm a rebel)
1st thing you think of when i say...
Cows::spotted and placid
In the past 2 days have you...
Watched a movie?::no movie, just tv
Talked on the phone?::Ryan, my mom, yeah
Threw up?::No, I haven't for over a year
Drank a glass of water?::Of course
Done drugs?::I don't swing that way
Read a book or magazine?::Ender's Game, Collapse
Watched tv?::too much of it
Looked in a mirror?::How would I make sure I look pretty otherwise?
Taken a shower?::it's hot and sticky outside, what do you think?
Taken a picture?::no, although I should
Listened to music?::yep, I'm in a chill mood currently
Kissed someone?::NO! :( :( :(
Told someone you liked them?::yep, Ryan, about a dozen times
Chatted online?::yessir
Commented someone?::oh, it took me a second, no
Made a new layout for your MySpace?::I don't have a myspace
Bought something?::I just went shopping with Mommy :)
End time::11:18pm
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

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