So, it's official, I bought my tickets and everything! This will be the shortest I'll have been home for Christmas break EVER! I'm going to go visit my lovely New York friends right after New Year's, and then it's out to San Francisco for pretty much the rest of break. The downside is that I'll be back in Pittsburgh pretty early, but that just means that I'll have plenty of time to go grocery shopping and book buying before school starts. :)
This break is suddenly turning out better than I thought. :)
Friday, December 29, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
The Pinup and other quizzes
You are Betty Grable |
![]() The ulitmate girl next door You're the perfect girl for most guys Pretty yet approachable. Beautiful yet real. |
oh yeah... :)
You Belong in London |
![]() A little old fashioned, and a little modern. A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock. A unique woman like you needs a city that offers everything. No wonder you and London will get along so well. |
I always knew it!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Home again
It's interesting, even though my life has been super busy lately, I haven't felt like anything was worth writing about. It makes me wonder if what I'm doing is really all that important. The semester is over and I'm back home for a while; at least for the holidays. I really want to visit people in January, so hopefully I'll get the opportunity to do that.
Being home has become a bit interesting since my first year in college. I love spending time with my family, but now it's persistently strained. My parents and I are on different sides of the spectrum, and while they "accept" my choices, I'm almost certain that they don't approve of them. It's incredibly frustrating to hear them talk about politics, religion, or current events without inwardly seething because not only do I disagree with them, but if I am bold enough to venture a contrary opinion I'll start a fight and further strain the already tense situation. So I sit quiet and hope that the topic is dropped quickly. I hate doing that, but I hate arguing with them so much more. I know I'll never change their views, and they don't approve of mine, so it's just easier to keep quiet about it. They hate liberals, feminists, environmentalists, basically anyone with a world-view that is different from theirs, and sometimes I think they'd hate me by extension. That's probably a bit strong, but a lot of the time it's true, and although they'd like to think that they're open-minded, they still make me feel so uncomfortable when I'm home.
This is not to say that my parents are bad people; everyone who's met them knows how nice they can be. It's just when you disagree with them on any point that they feel strongly about that it becomes hard.
On another note, Christmas is coming but it doesn't feel like it at all. It's so warm that it looks like it's going to be a rainy, warm Christmas. Yuck, I say. Where'd all the snow go? It's very unseasonable and un-Christmas-cheery.
Being home has become a bit interesting since my first year in college. I love spending time with my family, but now it's persistently strained. My parents and I are on different sides of the spectrum, and while they "accept" my choices, I'm almost certain that they don't approve of them. It's incredibly frustrating to hear them talk about politics, religion, or current events without inwardly seething because not only do I disagree with them, but if I am bold enough to venture a contrary opinion I'll start a fight and further strain the already tense situation. So I sit quiet and hope that the topic is dropped quickly. I hate doing that, but I hate arguing with them so much more. I know I'll never change their views, and they don't approve of mine, so it's just easier to keep quiet about it. They hate liberals, feminists, environmentalists, basically anyone with a world-view that is different from theirs, and sometimes I think they'd hate me by extension. That's probably a bit strong, but a lot of the time it's true, and although they'd like to think that they're open-minded, they still make me feel so uncomfortable when I'm home.
This is not to say that my parents are bad people; everyone who's met them knows how nice they can be. It's just when you disagree with them on any point that they feel strongly about that it becomes hard.
On another note, Christmas is coming but it doesn't feel like it at all. It's so warm that it looks like it's going to be a rainy, warm Christmas. Yuck, I say. Where'd all the snow go? It's very unseasonable and un-Christmas-cheery.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Let me be a lemming...
And join my friends in filling out a survey. I don't feel like doing work yet anyway.
Two Names You Go By:
1. Lauren
2. Laur (only by my dad though)
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. the claddagh ring that never leaves my hand
2. argyle socks
Two Things You Would Want in a Relationship:
1. respect
2. the butterfly happy feeling
Two of Your Favorite Things to do:
1. singing
2. drinking tea and reading Pride and Prejudice for the millionth time
Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment:
1. cuddles with boyfriend :)
2. groceries
Two pets you had/have:
1. Miann Jiuh
2. my toy polar bear (my parents didn't like animals for the longest time)
Two people who will fill this out:
1. umm, Maggie, because she loves surveys
2. Ryan, because I'll make him :P
Two things you did last night:
1. watched way too much Sex in the City
2. read about neurophilosophy
Two things you ate today:
1. yummy salad
2. pizza
Two people you Last Talked To:
1. Ryan
2. Steve
Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. last dance rehearsal of the semester
2. H&SS Senator meeting!!
Two longest car rides:
1. Pennsylvania to California (clearly not in one contiguous trip)
2. Pennsylvania to Florida
Two Favorite Holidays: I know it's completely unoriginal, but...
1. Thanksgiving
2. Christmas
Two favorite beverages:
1. raspberry iced tea
2. orange juice
Two Names You Go By:
1. Lauren
2. Laur (only by my dad though)
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. the claddagh ring that never leaves my hand
2. argyle socks
Two Things You Would Want in a Relationship:
1. respect
2. the butterfly happy feeling
Two of Your Favorite Things to do:
1. singing
2. drinking tea and reading Pride and Prejudice for the millionth time
Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment:
1. cuddles with boyfriend :)
2. groceries
Two pets you had/have:
1. Miann Jiuh
2. my toy polar bear (my parents didn't like animals for the longest time)
Two people who will fill this out:
1. umm, Maggie, because she loves surveys
2. Ryan, because I'll make him :P
Two things you did last night:
1. watched way too much Sex in the City
2. read about neurophilosophy
Two things you ate today:
1. yummy salad
2. pizza
Two people you Last Talked To:
1. Ryan
2. Steve
Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. last dance rehearsal of the semester
2. H&SS Senator meeting!!
Two longest car rides:
1. Pennsylvania to California (clearly not in one contiguous trip)
2. Pennsylvania to Florida
Two Favorite Holidays: I know it's completely unoriginal, but...
1. Thanksgiving
2. Christmas
Two favorite beverages:
1. raspberry iced tea
2. orange juice
Sunday, December 03, 2006
The Last Week
It's here, the final week of classes. The semester went surprisingly fast, but nonetheless I am supremely happy to finish this set of classes. Not that I didn't like them, but 22 programming assignments will sicken even the most avid programmer. I have just a little bit of work to go, and I definitely don't want to do it. Usually the final class week is so incredibly piled with work and hectic because of it, but my week is going to be hectic because of meetings. I have a ton of stuff left to do before the week is out, and everything is culminating in the barrage of meetings and events that are scheduled for the next five days. My roommate and I thought of hanging a noose from our ceiling just at the idea of having so much going on, but I think using it will be a last resort. :)
The upside of all this is that my academic work is light for the week. A couple more programming assignments to finish, a presentation to create, and reading for a couple classes is about all I have to do. It's just hard to bring myself to do them when I'm so burnt out and stressing over the million other things I need to get accomplished outside of classwork. Some of it is fun, like shows. And now for the shameless plug:
- Dancer's Symposium is this Friday and Saturday at 8pm in Rangos
- Soundbytes will be caroling around campus for a bit on Tuesday afternoon (and probably during finals week as well)
- the H&SS senators in Student Senate are holding a meeting for their constituents this Wednesday at 6:30 in PH 125C. Come ask questions and see what we're up to. There will be food.
- Soundbytes Winter Concert is the Tuesday of Finals Week, starting at 9pm in UC Connan (I think). Counterpoint, Joyful Noise, and The Originals will also be performing. It'll be a blast, filled with awesome music and, of course, carols. :)
The upside of all this is that my academic work is light for the week. A couple more programming assignments to finish, a presentation to create, and reading for a couple classes is about all I have to do. It's just hard to bring myself to do them when I'm so burnt out and stressing over the million other things I need to get accomplished outside of classwork. Some of it is fun, like shows. And now for the shameless plug:
- Dancer's Symposium is this Friday and Saturday at 8pm in Rangos
- Soundbytes will be caroling around campus for a bit on Tuesday afternoon (and probably during finals week as well)
- the H&SS senators in Student Senate are holding a meeting for their constituents this Wednesday at 6:30 in PH 125C. Come ask questions and see what we're up to. There will be food.
- Soundbytes Winter Concert is the Tuesday of Finals Week, starting at 9pm in UC Connan (I think). Counterpoint, Joyful Noise, and The Originals will also be performing. It'll be a blast, filled with awesome music and, of course, carols. :)
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I'm going home!!!
I'm so excited. It's finally Thanksgiving Break!! I'm proud of myself that I managed to get all my work done and now have a bit of time to relax. Not that I'm not going to have work over break; if I don't do work then I'll be screwed for the upcoming week. But I'm really happy I get to go home and be with my family for a little while. And Ryan is coming too!!
In other news, this weekend started out to be the best weekend of the semester, and ended rather badly. Soundbytes had a Thanksgiving dinner that was spectacular. Everyone makes such good food now!! I can remember our first potlucks, when this wasn't the case. The next day I went to the football game (CMU's first playoff game in Gesling Stadium ever) and we won! It was really fun to be there and watch it. I then proceeded to spend the rest of the day relaxing, and arranged holiday music for hours. I was really happy that we had so much to sing for caroling.
And then rehearsal came.... It started out fine, but there are just some problems that had been unresolved and kept building. Long story short, things were said that were offensive and angry. I'm just sorry it had to happen right before we all left for a holiday vacation. I think we'll all be able to work it out, and I appreciate everyone's support more than they know.
Otherwise, I'm going to finish packing and wait for my ride, and enjoy the drive home!!
Have a wonderful, safe, food-filled Thanksgiving!!
In other news, this weekend started out to be the best weekend of the semester, and ended rather badly. Soundbytes had a Thanksgiving dinner that was spectacular. Everyone makes such good food now!! I can remember our first potlucks, when this wasn't the case. The next day I went to the football game (CMU's first playoff game in Gesling Stadium ever) and we won! It was really fun to be there and watch it. I then proceeded to spend the rest of the day relaxing, and arranged holiday music for hours. I was really happy that we had so much to sing for caroling.
And then rehearsal came.... It started out fine, but there are just some problems that had been unresolved and kept building. Long story short, things were said that were offensive and angry. I'm just sorry it had to happen right before we all left for a holiday vacation. I think we'll all be able to work it out, and I appreciate everyone's support more than they know.
Otherwise, I'm going to finish packing and wait for my ride, and enjoy the drive home!!
Have a wonderful, safe, food-filled Thanksgiving!!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Today I woke up earlier than I have in months. 7am is earlier than a lot of college students wake up, I thought, but I was amazed at how many people were out an about. I was up to go to a 9 hour retreat for Student Senate, and just like last year, I had been expecting a very different turnout than there actually was. Last year I was the only member-at-large to go to retreat, and this year only 10 other people showed up. However, the select few were the dedicated, and it was much more fun than I had been expecting. Just goes to show never to judge before you try, because it may just surprise you.
We drove two hours to a ropes course and did team-building exercises, and in any other setting what happened would have been considered sexual harassment, given how physical we were with each other. :) However, I've always liked doing those kind of games (e.g. the spiderweb, the human knot, etc.) so I wasn't upset or uncomfortable at all. And it was really nice to get to know some other Senators better; it will make the meetings more fun and go a bit faster because I'm actually better friends with people in the group. And there are some really cool and interesting people in Senate, many with great ideas and ambition that is refreshing in what I feel is sometimes an increasingly jaded atmosphere.
The only downfall of the trip was that 2/3s of the group didn't come, for some reason or another (probably mostly because we had to get up so early), and it would have been beneficial for them to come, however much I prefer a smaller group. Many people in the organization could use some team-building exercises (if you have ever been to a meeting you understand what I'm talking about). People tend to think that their voice is the only important one and don't collaborate.
In other news, Soundbytes had a concert tonight that was really fun. Afterwards Counterpoint performed and then a really cool CMU student band. It was kind of a jazz rock thing that had a lot of potential, I thought, and although the acoustics in Kirr Commons is horrible they still managed to sound really good. And the Truman scholarship is due in about 5 days, which is crazy. I have so much work to do, but I think it's worth it. And soon enough it will be over and Thanksgiving will be here! I can't wait to go home.
We drove two hours to a ropes course and did team-building exercises, and in any other setting what happened would have been considered sexual harassment, given how physical we were with each other. :) However, I've always liked doing those kind of games (e.g. the spiderweb, the human knot, etc.) so I wasn't upset or uncomfortable at all. And it was really nice to get to know some other Senators better; it will make the meetings more fun and go a bit faster because I'm actually better friends with people in the group. And there are some really cool and interesting people in Senate, many with great ideas and ambition that is refreshing in what I feel is sometimes an increasingly jaded atmosphere.
The only downfall of the trip was that 2/3s of the group didn't come, for some reason or another (probably mostly because we had to get up so early), and it would have been beneficial for them to come, however much I prefer a smaller group. Many people in the organization could use some team-building exercises (if you have ever been to a meeting you understand what I'm talking about). People tend to think that their voice is the only important one and don't collaborate.
In other news, Soundbytes had a concert tonight that was really fun. Afterwards Counterpoint performed and then a really cool CMU student band. It was kind of a jazz rock thing that had a lot of potential, I thought, and although the acoustics in Kirr Commons is horrible they still managed to sound really good. And the Truman scholarship is due in about 5 days, which is crazy. I have so much work to do, but I think it's worth it. And soon enough it will be over and Thanksgiving will be here! I can't wait to go home.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
A New Era
So, it looks as though both the House and Senate will have a Democratic majority, the first time in my memory. It's an exciting time (for liberals at least). However, I can't help but wonder if things will really change or get any better under the new regime. I feel like in many cases liberals have compromised their values in order to win back Congress and restore their power. But to what end? If we have Democrats who are anti-abortionists (like Bob Casey) or other representatives who are out of step with the majority of liberal thinkers on social, political, or economic issues, will we just have a Republican/conservative Congress in Democratic clothing?
Another problem I see probably just stems from my upbringing in a conservative-Republican household. I grew up believing that liberals were basically feckless, caring more for their media appearance than the interests of the American people. I guess time will tell if my dad was right, but to some extent, if it is true, will it be the product of having a more "moderate"/conservative democratic majority or just the intrinsic nature of Democrats?
Personally I don't like the two-party system that we have. It pigeon-holes people into one category or another, and if they belong to a minority party they are basically voiceless. (I'm not a fan of pigeon-holing in any way). How can complex people with complex and often opposing values be almost forced to support a party or a candidate that they don't believe in because he or she is the best option in comparison to the other?
One more bit about the election. I'm not sure how many people paid attention to the ballot initiatives that were voted on, since the Senate and House elections were so important, but in about seven states, give or take, amendments banning same-sex marriage were passed. Ironically, Arizona was the only state with a same-sex marriage ban on the ballot where it was defeated. In every other state it passed with large majorities. It's frightening to think that in a few years our country could be further divided along the basis of same-sex marriage. Yet another case where religion muddles government: marriage in the legal sense of the word means nothing more than a union of bank accounts and some rights gained, essentially (granted, I could be speaking out of my ass). However, we have forced legal marriages to encompass a larger definition that includes religious tradition, which is not in keeping with the principle of separation of church and state that our forefathers believed in and the Constitution upholds. Clearly high school US history classes are not doing their jobs, and not just in this case either....
Another problem I see probably just stems from my upbringing in a conservative-Republican household. I grew up believing that liberals were basically feckless, caring more for their media appearance than the interests of the American people. I guess time will tell if my dad was right, but to some extent, if it is true, will it be the product of having a more "moderate"/conservative democratic majority or just the intrinsic nature of Democrats?
Personally I don't like the two-party system that we have. It pigeon-holes people into one category or another, and if they belong to a minority party they are basically voiceless. (I'm not a fan of pigeon-holing in any way). How can complex people with complex and often opposing values be almost forced to support a party or a candidate that they don't believe in because he or she is the best option in comparison to the other?
One more bit about the election. I'm not sure how many people paid attention to the ballot initiatives that were voted on, since the Senate and House elections were so important, but in about seven states, give or take, amendments banning same-sex marriage were passed. Ironically, Arizona was the only state with a same-sex marriage ban on the ballot where it was defeated. In every other state it passed with large majorities. It's frightening to think that in a few years our country could be further divided along the basis of same-sex marriage. Yet another case where religion muddles government: marriage in the legal sense of the word means nothing more than a union of bank accounts and some rights gained, essentially (granted, I could be speaking out of my ass). However, we have forced legal marriages to encompass a larger definition that includes religious tradition, which is not in keeping with the principle of separation of church and state that our forefathers believed in and the Constitution upholds. Clearly high school US history classes are not doing their jobs, and not just in this case either....
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Reflections of a College Student in Junior Year
What makes us work so hard to get somewhere? It's a badge of honor to have a sleepless night, and you're in the big time when you've have a few all-nighters in a row. At least at this university, it's almost a competition among students to determine who has the most work, who's most stressed out, who has the least time to themselves. Why do we do it? Why do we sacrifice our time, our money, our sleep, our sanity, even some of our loves to work to satisfy our ambition? And what is it that we ultimately want? Money, prestige, to make a difference, security for the future? I'm seriously doubting whether any of those ends are worth the sacrifices we make now.
There comes a point when you have to draw back and take stock of what you're doing. At least in my case, we get so focused on the little things that we forget about the larger world around us. I stress out about a grade, a project, a meeting, an application, work. I have become so busy and so strained that I almost missed fall. It's my favorite season, and I can't even go outside for an hour and just walk around, enjoying the turning of the leaves, the smell, the crisp air. I don't have time to carve a pumpkin, I don't even have time to get groceries.
I'm worried that I don't have what it takes to make it in my field. I'm scared that I won't get a good internship this summer because I haven't done outstanding things. I'm worried that I'm just not doing enough, that I need to do more to be successful. I'm stretched so thin that I feel like my performance has declined in everything. I used to strive to be the best and now I'm unsure of whether that goal is even feasible for me anymore. Every moment of every day, even when I sleep, I feel tense and strained. I can no longer go to sleep, regardless of the hour.
But more and more I'm beginning to feel like my goals just aren't worth it, that the sacrifices I'm making are too great. Americans used to average about three close relationships; studies have now shown that that number has decreased to two. Most people now have only two close friends. We've lost touch with simple pleasures, for cultivating relationships, for enjoying our surroundings, for taking a break. Taking a break is synonymous with failure. Failure is unacceptable.
The worst part about all of this is that I feel so alone in my disillusionment. Everyone around me is successful and happy. They are sleeping well, cultivating new relationships, having personal time, enjoying their work, doing well, and looking forward to the future. They see prospects in their futures that I don't see in mine. I'm jealous of my friends' success, happiness, and most of all, direction in their lives. I have two majors but I still don't feel like I've learned enough; I'm involved in a lot of different activities, both academic and recreational, but I still don't know what I want or where I'm going.
It makes it worse to feel that because of all these inadequacies, regardless of whether they are real or perceived, I'm a total failure in comparison to my peers. As much as I might have just said my ambition isn't worth the sacrifices I've been making, it's hard to let it go. It's hard to fail.
There comes a point when you have to draw back and take stock of what you're doing. At least in my case, we get so focused on the little things that we forget about the larger world around us. I stress out about a grade, a project, a meeting, an application, work. I have become so busy and so strained that I almost missed fall. It's my favorite season, and I can't even go outside for an hour and just walk around, enjoying the turning of the leaves, the smell, the crisp air. I don't have time to carve a pumpkin, I don't even have time to get groceries.
I'm worried that I don't have what it takes to make it in my field. I'm scared that I won't get a good internship this summer because I haven't done outstanding things. I'm worried that I'm just not doing enough, that I need to do more to be successful. I'm stretched so thin that I feel like my performance has declined in everything. I used to strive to be the best and now I'm unsure of whether that goal is even feasible for me anymore. Every moment of every day, even when I sleep, I feel tense and strained. I can no longer go to sleep, regardless of the hour.
But more and more I'm beginning to feel like my goals just aren't worth it, that the sacrifices I'm making are too great. Americans used to average about three close relationships; studies have now shown that that number has decreased to two. Most people now have only two close friends. We've lost touch with simple pleasures, for cultivating relationships, for enjoying our surroundings, for taking a break. Taking a break is synonymous with failure. Failure is unacceptable.
The worst part about all of this is that I feel so alone in my disillusionment. Everyone around me is successful and happy. They are sleeping well, cultivating new relationships, having personal time, enjoying their work, doing well, and looking forward to the future. They see prospects in their futures that I don't see in mine. I'm jealous of my friends' success, happiness, and most of all, direction in their lives. I have two majors but I still don't feel like I've learned enough; I'm involved in a lot of different activities, both academic and recreational, but I still don't know what I want or where I'm going.
It makes it worse to feel that because of all these inadequacies, regardless of whether they are real or perceived, I'm a total failure in comparison to my peers. As much as I might have just said my ambition isn't worth the sacrifices I've been making, it's hard to let it go. It's hard to fail.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
California Trip
I <3 California vacations. I had so much fun! Not least because I got to spend it with Ryan. That made it so much better. I went to Google for lunch (which was pretty good, especially because it was free) and got a tour of some of the places Ryan frequents, including the two pool tables he likes. :P We went out for a wonderful dinner in downtown Mountain View, which isn't saying much since it's about a street long. It was this new Spanish place where the service was good and the food better.
The next day we went to the beach, and drove over the mountains which felt like a cross between the Mediterranean and West Virginia. There were a lot of bikers, most of whom had to be in incredible shape to bike those hills. We also went and saw The Departed, which was really violent and disturbing but incredibly good.
Here are some pictures of the beach that I took.
The next day we went to the beach, and drove over the mountains which felt like a cross between the Mediterranean and West Virginia. There were a lot of bikers, most of whom had to be in incredible shape to bike those hills. We also went and saw The Departed, which was really violent and disturbing but incredibly good.
Here are some pictures of the beach that I took.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I feel the need to blog
Ok, so right now I am so wired it's crazy. I normally don't drink all that much caffeine (usually a soda now and then) so when I say that I've had a pepsi, a cup of coffee, and an energy drink, you can deduce two things: 1) that I'm so crazy jittery that I could run for hours and 2) I have so much work to do it shouldn't even be legal.
Granted, maybe I'm making too much of this, maybe I'm playing up the whole "OMG no one is busier than me and I'm going crazy it's crazy" thing, but hey, a girl only gets to this a few times a year (if you're lucky and don't go to CMU). I actually shouldn't even be writing now I have so much other stuff I could be writing, like the 5 more essays I have to get out of these tired fingers before tomorrow morning. (I'm not joking either) To put into context, these essays aren't meant to be long, but put enough of them together, and you're bound to be a little jittery too. I've already written 7, just for reference.
But it all pays off. Once I'm done with this stuff, I get to crash for a couple hours (hopefully) and go to class, pack, and be on my merry way to California! It will be such a release. Whew.
Granted, maybe I'm making too much of this, maybe I'm playing up the whole "OMG no one is busier than me and I'm going crazy it's crazy" thing, but hey, a girl only gets to this a few times a year (if you're lucky and don't go to CMU). I actually shouldn't even be writing now I have so much other stuff I could be writing, like the 5 more essays I have to get out of these tired fingers before tomorrow morning. (I'm not joking either) To put into context, these essays aren't meant to be long, but put enough of them together, and you're bound to be a little jittery too. I've already written 7, just for reference.
But it all pays off. Once I'm done with this stuff, I get to crash for a couple hours (hopefully) and go to class, pack, and be on my merry way to California! It will be such a release. Whew.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Long Time
It's been quite a while since I last posted. There hasn't been too much to report. It's just been business as usual, kind of overwhelmed and a bit frustrated and burned out, but I suppose that's usual for your third year. Some of the things I've been keeping busy with:
- work (of course)
- first CMU ACLU meeting, which was relatively successful
- the Chili Cook-Off, which Soundbytes made really good chili for, although we didn't win
- a lot of reading and writing
- trying not to be down-trodden by professors who suck and are incredibly cruel (in a personal way)
- waiting for midsemester, when I get a respite
Overall, I'm doing okay, although I could use some cheery words to brighten my day. I haven't been getting much of that lately. Just a whole lot of unwelcome criticism. Such is the life of a college student, right?
Just as a reminder: remember to VOTE on November 7th. It's an incredibly important election. There's my two cents on politics (although I could write volumes on the subject).
- work (of course)
- first CMU ACLU meeting, which was relatively successful
- the Chili Cook-Off, which Soundbytes made really good chili for, although we didn't win
- a lot of reading and writing
- trying not to be down-trodden by professors who suck and are incredibly cruel (in a personal way)
- waiting for midsemester, when I get a respite
Overall, I'm doing okay, although I could use some cheery words to brighten my day. I haven't been getting much of that lately. Just a whole lot of unwelcome criticism. Such is the life of a college student, right?
Just as a reminder: remember to VOTE on November 7th. It's an incredibly important election. There's my two cents on politics (although I could write volumes on the subject).
Saturday, September 30, 2006
19 days!
It's official. I just bought my ticket to go to California over midsemester break. Now I will be completely insufferable and unliveable-with for the next three weeks in anticipation. :) Well, maybe not totally, but I'm really excited.
Also, what is this and why was it passed? What has this country come to? This country is a mockery of what it once was, and could be, with things like this happening in our legislature, and it needs to be stopped.
Whew, ok, I've stepped off my soapbox now. I don't say political things that often in this blog, but every so often something is so egregiously wrong that it just needs to be stated. And this is one of those times.
Also, what is this and why was it passed? What has this country come to? This country is a mockery of what it once was, and could be, with things like this happening in our legislature, and it needs to be stopped.
Whew, ok, I've stepped off my soapbox now. I don't say political things that often in this blog, but every so often something is so egregiously wrong that it just needs to be stated. And this is one of those times.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
And I thought this year was going to be easy...
But I was wrong. Granted, I love it. But for once I'd like to have a week (or weekend) completely and totally to myself so that I can watch tv, read a recreational book, catch up on some homework, or anything!! I think I need to revamp my time management skills. They got kinda mutilated this summer, when I didn't have anything to do. Man, I was a bum! And I don't know how I got through this summer with my sanity. .... And I feel like a broken record. That's it, NO MORE complaining about work.
In other news, Soundbytes is singing in the Relay for Life talent show this Friday night. Come show some support! It'll be in Gesling Stadium. The event goes all night, but the talent show is from 8-9pm. Hope to see you there!!
Oh, and I <3 running. :)
In other news, Soundbytes is singing in the Relay for Life talent show this Friday night. Come show some support! It'll be in Gesling Stadium. The event goes all night, but the talent show is from 8-9pm. Hope to see you there!!
Oh, and I <3 running. :)
Thursday, September 21, 2006
New Blog Format
I just switched to the new beta of Google's blogger, and I really like it. It's a lot easier to personalize (especially for non-technical people like me). In switching I decided that I wanted to change the whole layout of my blog, because I was sick of the old one. So enjoy the new look!
In other news, today I'm being voted on for Student Senate. Wish me luck! I really hope I get it. I could do so much good. :)
In other news, today I'm being voted on for Student Senate. Wish me luck! I really hope I get it. I could do so much good. :)
Saturday, September 16, 2006
My life on speed
So, someone who reads this blog must have noticed that something happened to me at the end of August, because I stopped posting. I find it very humorous that the lazy slow summertime yielded more blog posts than the current helter-skelter pandemonium of my current state. I have way more to say right now, but much less time to say it. Ah, so it goes...
I have been so busy with things that today was a marked contrast from the previous three weeks. I finally got a day to veg without feeling guilty (or missing some meeting). This is my first weekend to myself, and I LOVE it. Granted, I still have tons of work, and Soundbytes callbacks, and grading, and sleep to catch up on, but I get to make my schedule, rather than have it dictated for me by the myriad meetings I attend every week. Who knew my life could get so packed?
Last night I went to an awesome party. Unfortunately I couldn't stay later than midnight because I had to get up early for Soundbytes callbacks, which were fun, and sad in a way. I hate getting to know people only to have to give them a rejection, because everyone is nice and friendly and has some quality that makes them cool, but the sheer fact is that 90% of them won't make it. If we weren't that selective our group would be up to 50 people by now. Talk about a choir!
The rest of the day I spent vegged in front of the tv (productive, I know). I'll go do some reading now, or programming or something. I just really needed this time to chill, because next week will be another hold-on-by-the-fingernails week. And tomorrow is a major work day. I have to hold 3-4 hours of Soundbytes callbacks, grade, program, read, start my research and do stuff for work, update my resume, and look into the Truman Scholarship (which will be one hell of a commitment). I'm not sure that I'll have time, but I'm going to try to make time for it. 30,000 dollars for grad school? Sounds good to me.
I have been so busy with things that today was a marked contrast from the previous three weeks. I finally got a day to veg without feeling guilty (or missing some meeting). This is my first weekend to myself, and I LOVE it. Granted, I still have tons of work, and Soundbytes callbacks, and grading, and sleep to catch up on, but I get to make my schedule, rather than have it dictated for me by the myriad meetings I attend every week. Who knew my life could get so packed?
Last night I went to an awesome party. Unfortunately I couldn't stay later than midnight because I had to get up early for Soundbytes callbacks, which were fun, and sad in a way. I hate getting to know people only to have to give them a rejection, because everyone is nice and friendly and has some quality that makes them cool, but the sheer fact is that 90% of them won't make it. If we weren't that selective our group would be up to 50 people by now. Talk about a choir!
The rest of the day I spent vegged in front of the tv (productive, I know). I'll go do some reading now, or programming or something. I just really needed this time to chill, because next week will be another hold-on-by-the-fingernails week. And tomorrow is a major work day. I have to hold 3-4 hours of Soundbytes callbacks, grade, program, read, start my research and do stuff for work, update my resume, and look into the Truman Scholarship (which will be one hell of a commitment). I'm not sure that I'll have time, but I'm going to try to make time for it. 30,000 dollars for grad school? Sounds good to me.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Switching into high gear
That's the word of the hour, the day, the week, the year. I've had a week of class and already I'm behind on my homework, tired, and stressed. Granted, not all of that has to do with school-related stuff. I mean, I'm only taking four classes.... but I'm doing research with SDS.... and I'm TA-ing.... and I'm still director of Soundbytes.... and I work for the ACLU still.... and I'm in Student Senate.... and I'm choreographing for DS.... and I have to go to a funeral on Saturday.... and Ryan just left after visiting for a weekend..............
Hence the Oi!
However, once things quiet down (IF things quiet down) I think I'm going to have a great semester, and a great year. I was hoping to take it easy this year, but given everything else I'm doing, or planning on doing, that probably won't happen. And it's looking like I won't have an easy Senior year either, since I'm seriously considering the 5th year master's program in public policy, and that starts in your Senior year.
On a lighter note, Ryan's visit was spectacular, and I got to see a ton of him and a lot of his friends, which was really nice. I ate better than I have in a long time, but I think that was because I was eating with him, and company makes food so much better. We went to Frick Park, and to half off, and visited Rolli and such, and hung out with some Soundbytes people. The only downside to this weekend was that I got behind on work that I should have been doing, but I can make it up. At least he helped me on my programming (I'm gonna miss having him around for that). :)
Ok, bedtime. The morrow brings much busy-ness and stress. But I can handle it. If I keep telling myself that, it's bound to be true, right?
That's the word of the hour, the day, the week, the year. I've had a week of class and already I'm behind on my homework, tired, and stressed. Granted, not all of that has to do with school-related stuff. I mean, I'm only taking four classes.... but I'm doing research with SDS.... and I'm TA-ing.... and I'm still director of Soundbytes.... and I work for the ACLU still.... and I'm in Student Senate.... and I'm choreographing for DS.... and I have to go to a funeral on Saturday.... and Ryan just left after visiting for a weekend..............
Hence the Oi!
However, once things quiet down (IF things quiet down) I think I'm going to have a great semester, and a great year. I was hoping to take it easy this year, but given everything else I'm doing, or planning on doing, that probably won't happen. And it's looking like I won't have an easy Senior year either, since I'm seriously considering the 5th year master's program in public policy, and that starts in your Senior year.
On a lighter note, Ryan's visit was spectacular, and I got to see a ton of him and a lot of his friends, which was really nice. I ate better than I have in a long time, but I think that was because I was eating with him, and company makes food so much better. We went to Frick Park, and to half off, and visited Rolli and such, and hung out with some Soundbytes people. The only downside to this weekend was that I got behind on work that I should have been doing, but I can make it up. At least he helped me on my programming (I'm gonna miss having him around for that). :)
Ok, bedtime. The morrow brings much busy-ness and stress. But I can handle it. If I keep telling myself that, it's bound to be true, right?
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Back in the 'burgh!
I'm back in Pittsburgh, and although home is fun, I've missed being at CMU when people are here! I love love LOVE my apartment (I have air conditioning, beat that!) and the location is great.
I'm excited about classes and work and everything. I'm still doing research, and I got accepted to be a TA for Stats I. I think I'll probably take the research for credit, since I can't take 5 classes and work 20 hours a week, with all my other activities as well.
In other news, Ryan is coming to visit in less than a week!! I'm so excited. Luckily for me, I'll be so busy that I won't have time to get antsy. :)
I'm excited about classes and work and everything. I'm still doing research, and I got accepted to be a TA for Stats I. I think I'll probably take the research for credit, since I can't take 5 classes and work 20 hours a week, with all my other activities as well.
In other news, Ryan is coming to visit in less than a week!! I'm so excited. Luckily for me, I'll be so busy that I won't have time to get antsy. :)
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
last day at home :(
I've been home for less than 2 weeks, and it's already time to go back to CMU. It makes me really sad, because I really like being home, and I wish I was here for a longer period of time. I like hanging out with my brother and my parents.
I went to visit a good friend of mine a couple days ago, which was great. I hadn't seen her in a year, and we had a lot of fun just hanging out and watching Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease (apparently it is a really good workout, but it's also extremely funny).
I don't get to come home again until Thanksgiving, but I'm hoping to at least come for another weekend so I can see the marching band play. It's my brother's last year in it, and I want to be able to support him, and see how cool the show is this year.
Incidentally, the weather here has also been spectacular, and it shows off the best side of the area. I never really knew how pretty my hometown was before, so it makes me happy that I have finally realized it.
However sad I am that I'm not going to be home for longer, and the fact that moving really sucks, I'm excited to be back at CMU and making my new apartment homey. I hope this year will be fun. I know it will be exhausting and busy. Not only do I have a research position and a full class schedule, but I just found out that I got accepted to be TA for Stats (which I really want to do) and I want to join even more groups than I was in the previous two years, and get more involved in stuff. I don't know what I'm going to do. Lauren just doesn't have time for all the things she wants to do. :( Hopefully it will all work out.
In the meantime, I get to be busy and productive and hopefully able to enjoy the most of this fall (I love seasons). Hopefully some of you people out there who read this blog will be able to enjoy it with me. :P
I went to visit a good friend of mine a couple days ago, which was great. I hadn't seen her in a year, and we had a lot of fun just hanging out and watching Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease (apparently it is a really good workout, but it's also extremely funny).
I don't get to come home again until Thanksgiving, but I'm hoping to at least come for another weekend so I can see the marching band play. It's my brother's last year in it, and I want to be able to support him, and see how cool the show is this year.
Incidentally, the weather here has also been spectacular, and it shows off the best side of the area. I never really knew how pretty my hometown was before, so it makes me happy that I have finally realized it.
However sad I am that I'm not going to be home for longer, and the fact that moving really sucks, I'm excited to be back at CMU and making my new apartment homey. I hope this year will be fun. I know it will be exhausting and busy. Not only do I have a research position and a full class schedule, but I just found out that I got accepted to be TA for Stats (which I really want to do) and I want to join even more groups than I was in the previous two years, and get more involved in stuff. I don't know what I'm going to do. Lauren just doesn't have time for all the things she wants to do. :( Hopefully it will all work out.
In the meantime, I get to be busy and productive and hopefully able to enjoy the most of this fall (I love seasons). Hopefully some of you people out there who read this blog will be able to enjoy it with me. :P
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
I'm finally home for a week and a half, and I'm so glad. I missed being home and with family. I have plans for this week too. I'm trying to clean out my wardrobe, since I still have clothing from middle school in it (I haven't grown much), although I pretty much haven't worn them since then. It's amazing how these things accumulate. My mom also wants me to help her paint the dining room, so that should be fun.... Otherwise, it's relax, sleep, read, exercise a bit, and enjoy the time I've got with my family. The next time I'll get to see them for more than a few days will be Christmas.
Friday, August 11, 2006
So, I hate packing. Yep, this sucks a lot. Not only do I have to pack and unpack twice during the year normally, but because I lived in a sublet for the summer, I have to do it twice as much. I'm currently trying to pack, and in doing so I'm realizing exactly how much stuff I have. Especially clothing.
The worst part about the clothing thing is that I a) have too much of it and b) it all either doesn't fit me anymore or very soon won't. And I really like a lot of what I have. Stupid losing weight. I guess I'll just keep them at home in case I gain it all back again, and in the meantime, go shopping!
The worst part about the clothing thing is that I a) have too much of it and b) it all either doesn't fit me anymore or very soon won't. And I really like a lot of what I have. Stupid losing weight. I guess I'll just keep them at home in case I gain it all back again, and in the meantime, go shopping!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
last day of work!
Tomorrow is officially my last day of work for the summer!!! I'm so excited, although I'm sure I'll be even more excited tomorrow night. Today was my last official day of work as an intern for the ACLU, although I have a feeling I'll be keeping in touch and working with them more than I had initially anticipated. I really loved working there, and I think it was not only a very beneficial experience from a "future plans" view, but it was just good in and of itself.
So now, on to packing and HOOOOOME!!! For a week, anyway.
So now, on to packing and HOOOOOME!!! For a week, anyway.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Work at its best
I need the summer to be over. I need to go home. I need to do SOMETHING.
I'm so bored. My elbows have sores on them from where I rest them on the table all day.
It's too hot to do anything. It's ennui at its best and worst.
I hate feeling useless.
That's all.
I'm so bored. My elbows have sores on them from where I rest them on the table all day.
It's too hot to do anything. It's ennui at its best and worst.
I hate feeling useless.
That's all.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
So who was sooo smart and thought in June, "I don't need an air conditioner, it's too expensive". Yeah, it's been stifling for the past week, and nearly unbearable the past two days. Upper 90s, around 100 with the humidity, and Lauren doesn't have an air conditioner. It's looking to be like this for the next week or so (well, it'll drop a bit, but still be incredibly hot), so I'm basically going to spend as much time as possible in air conditioned spaces, and come home for as little as possible.
This of course, means that I can't eat my food very much (I'm not hungry for it either), so I'll have a ton of food left over to find something to do with before I leave in a week! I'm thinking the earlier the better. Anything to get out of this oppressive heat.
This of course, means that I can't eat my food very much (I'm not hungry for it either), so I'll have a ton of food left over to find something to do with before I leave in a week! I'm thinking the earlier the better. Anything to get out of this oppressive heat.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
First off, thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday yesterday. It was really nice to hear from you all. :)
My family just left for home, as they came to visit me to celebrate the big 2-0. On Friday we went to breakfast with some of my relatives, then went to visit my uncle in the hospital. He recently found out that he has pancreatic cancer, and it's fairly advanced. That wasn't too fun. But enough about that. Then we went to check into our hotel (yeah, we stayed in a hotel in Pittsburgh, although I live here. It made it more vacation-y). Then we went shopping at the Southside Works, where my mother spent way too much for clothes for me (they are extremely pretty though). After that, we went out for indian food. It was their first time, and I'm happy to say they enjoyed it.
On my birthday we went to the Andy Warhol Museum, which is great. Then we went to the Strip and bought food, and I made an interesting discovery. A guy who works at Fudgie Wudgie (the fudge place at the Strip) knows fairly well one of my best friends from elementary school! How wild is that?
My parents took me out to dinner at the Grand Concourse, one of the best restaurants in Pittsburgh. It's in Station Square at the old train station (eighty foot stained glass windows, marble staircase, the works). It was... superb. Mmm, my mouth is watering....
Today I took them to Phipps, which they had never been to. All in all, a very very wonderful, memorable birthday. I really loved it, and I can't wait to go back home in two weeks!
My family just left for home, as they came to visit me to celebrate the big 2-0. On Friday we went to breakfast with some of my relatives, then went to visit my uncle in the hospital. He recently found out that he has pancreatic cancer, and it's fairly advanced. That wasn't too fun. But enough about that. Then we went to check into our hotel (yeah, we stayed in a hotel in Pittsburgh, although I live here. It made it more vacation-y). Then we went shopping at the Southside Works, where my mother spent way too much for clothes for me (they are extremely pretty though). After that, we went out for indian food. It was their first time, and I'm happy to say they enjoyed it.
On my birthday we went to the Andy Warhol Museum, which is great. Then we went to the Strip and bought food, and I made an interesting discovery. A guy who works at Fudgie Wudgie (the fudge place at the Strip) knows fairly well one of my best friends from elementary school! How wild is that?
My parents took me out to dinner at the Grand Concourse, one of the best restaurants in Pittsburgh. It's in Station Square at the old train station (eighty foot stained glass windows, marble staircase, the works). It was... superb. Mmm, my mouth is watering....
Today I took them to Phipps, which they had never been to. All in all, a very very wonderful, memorable birthday. I really loved it, and I can't wait to go back home in two weeks!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Birthday Weekend!!
My family is currently en route to Pittsburgh to visit me for my birthday. They've decided to make a sort of holiday out of it, so we're staying at a hotel for two nights and doing fun things in the area.
Unfortunately our plans are a bit up in the air because my uncle recently (as in less than two weeks ago) found out that he has a malignant tumor in his abdominal region. He's in the hospital and not doing very well, so we're told, and so we're going to visit him and wait for more concrete news of his condition.
Otherwise, it's HI HO! I'm going to be 20 and have two more weeks of work. Thank goodness.
Unfortunately our plans are a bit up in the air because my uncle recently (as in less than two weeks ago) found out that he has a malignant tumor in his abdominal region. He's in the hospital and not doing very well, so we're told, and so we're going to visit him and wait for more concrete news of his condition.
Otherwise, it's HI HO! I'm going to be 20 and have two more weeks of work. Thank goodness.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Word of the Day
Pronunciation: in-'si-p&d
Function: adjective
Etymology: French & Late Latin; French insipide, from Late Latin insipidus, from Latin in- + sapidus savory, from sapere to taste -- more at SAGE
1 : lacking taste or savor : TASTELESS <insipid food>
2 : lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate, or challenge : DULL, FLAT <insipid prose>
Definition number two really sums up what I’m feeling today about my job. Yes, thank you Lauren for choosing a profession that takes no interest in anyone with less than a master’s degree, even when there's no difference in knowledge…
Sunday, July 23, 2006
So, swing dancing is so awesome. I went to this place tonight and it was absolutely wonderful. They had an AMAZING live band and a bunch of people who knew how to dance pretty well. A few of them knew how to dance REALLY well, but most of them were better than me. It really makes me want to go and learn more. I think partner dancing is awesome. Too bad my built-in partner is 3000 miles away.... poo on him.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Road Trip details
Finally, I have the time and will to detail a bit of my road trip with y'all. So here are the highlights:
We drove through Kentucky and Illinois and Indiana to get to St. Louis, Missouri, which was a lot of fun. We went to this microbrewery that had the best ribs I'd ever eaten. A lot of the food was organic, and almost all came from local farmers or their own garden. Sweet.
We drove through Missouri and half of Kansas, and it was actually kinda pretty. Missouri is a nice state to drive through, rolling green hills and all. Kansas was a hoot, because half the time driving we tuned into AM stations sponsored by Christian Coalition Family groups and such, and listening the radio stations talk about how to raise your kids "in God's light" or how to deal with non-believers was... illuminating, and often times aggravating.
When we got to Colorado, it, for a long time, looked exactly like Kansas. Very flat, very farm-y. Unfortunately it was extremely overcast and rainy, so we didn't get to see the Rocky Mountains upon approach. However, we stayed there during the night and in the morning hiked out to a panorama point to see the mountains. It was gorgeous.
We drove through the Rockies that day, which was really fun and beautiful. I only wish we could have spent more time there. Then we drove into Utah.
One thing about Utah. Forget what you may have heard about it, it is one of the prettiest states I've ever been to. Full of canyons and mountains and valleys and high altitude desert, it is one spectacular place. We spent several days there, driving through, stopping at scenic overlooks and being amazed by the landscape. We stayed at this one amazing park (Dead Horse Point State Park), which had lovely campsites and in the morning, we hiked to watch the sun rise at Dead Horse Point, which gives a 270-degree view of the canyons and arches that go for miles.
We also visited the Grand Canyon's North Rim, which was lovely and a place I'd want to stay, as it had a hotel of sorts right on the rim. In order to get there we drove through a fire-damaged area. A recent forest fire charred hundreds of acres of forest around the road that leads to the rim, and it was cool to see the charred trunks. It was particularly sad, because the minute you see it, you understand that life will grow back, and fast, and that often it's necessary for these kinds of fires to purge the forest of overgrowth and underbrush.
My favorite part of the trip was going to see the sand dunes in Coral Pink Sands State Park. There are these huge salmon-colored sand dunes in the middle of the mountainy area in Utah, and it was unbelieveable. Soooo beautiful and almost unreal.
We drove into Nevada (which feels like another planet) and drove past Las Vegas, which is the weirdest city in the entire world. It sits in amongst these barren mountains and is so gawdy and crazy and feels like it shouldn't be there because of all the desert that surrounds it. Then we drove past Lake Mead, which is another surreal place. It's this huge vibrant blue lake i n the middle of a desert, with no vegetation around it whatsoever. It was created after the Hoover Dam was built, backing up the Colorado River. The Hoover Dam was cool to see, although there were a lot of people there, and there was a lot of construction, as they're making a bridge byway in view of the dam, so people can get a better look and also eliminate some of the security that comes with driving over the dam.
That night we drove across the Mojave Desert to get to California. The next day we drove up the middle of the state (very deserty and bright) to get to the Sierra Nevadas. We camped among the sequoias and sugarpine trees that night. There were more mosquitos than I had ever seen before.
We got to see the sequoias, which are unbelieveable and beautiful. Ryan bought a seed that he's going to plant to get one to grow. Then we drove to Mountain View.
Mountain View feels like Pleasantville in its cleanliness, newness, and brightness. The weather is temperate and always sunny, the streets are wide and tree-lined, and the buildings look new and well cared-for. We moved Ryan into his apartment, which is cute and will serve him well I think. A day later I left. I think he'll be very happy there. There seems to be a large younger population, and it's a very tech-savvy place (Silicon Valley and all).
Well, that's about it. Apparently during Scouts Ryan's leader-person had a game called Thorns and Roses, in which you told your favorite and worst experience on the trip. My rose was Coral Pink Sands State Park, and for good reason. My thorn (other than having to leave Ryan) was that we had such long days on the road we usually were too tired to do anything but sleep after we got to the campsite, and we often didn't leave early enough to get into camp before dusk.
Overall though, the trip was pleasant and fun and well worth the 10 days it took to drive.
We drove through Kentucky and Illinois and Indiana to get to St. Louis, Missouri, which was a lot of fun. We went to this microbrewery that had the best ribs I'd ever eaten. A lot of the food was organic, and almost all came from local farmers or their own garden. Sweet.
We drove through Missouri and half of Kansas, and it was actually kinda pretty. Missouri is a nice state to drive through, rolling green hills and all. Kansas was a hoot, because half the time driving we tuned into AM stations sponsored by Christian Coalition Family groups and such, and listening the radio stations talk about how to raise your kids "in God's light" or how to deal with non-believers was... illuminating, and often times aggravating.
When we got to Colorado, it, for a long time, looked exactly like Kansas. Very flat, very farm-y. Unfortunately it was extremely overcast and rainy, so we didn't get to see the Rocky Mountains upon approach. However, we stayed there during the night and in the morning hiked out to a panorama point to see the mountains. It was gorgeous.
We drove through the Rockies that day, which was really fun and beautiful. I only wish we could have spent more time there. Then we drove into Utah.
One thing about Utah. Forget what you may have heard about it, it is one of the prettiest states I've ever been to. Full of canyons and mountains and valleys and high altitude desert, it is one spectacular place. We spent several days there, driving through, stopping at scenic overlooks and being amazed by the landscape. We stayed at this one amazing park (Dead Horse Point State Park), which had lovely campsites and in the morning, we hiked to watch the sun rise at Dead Horse Point, which gives a 270-degree view of the canyons and arches that go for miles.
We also visited the Grand Canyon's North Rim, which was lovely and a place I'd want to stay, as it had a hotel of sorts right on the rim. In order to get there we drove through a fire-damaged area. A recent forest fire charred hundreds of acres of forest around the road that leads to the rim, and it was cool to see the charred trunks. It was particularly sad, because the minute you see it, you understand that life will grow back, and fast, and that often it's necessary for these kinds of fires to purge the forest of overgrowth and underbrush.
My favorite part of the trip was going to see the sand dunes in Coral Pink Sands State Park. There are these huge salmon-colored sand dunes in the middle of the mountainy area in Utah, and it was unbelieveable. Soooo beautiful and almost unreal.
We drove into Nevada (which feels like another planet) and drove past Las Vegas, which is the weirdest city in the entire world. It sits in amongst these barren mountains and is so gawdy and crazy and feels like it shouldn't be there because of all the desert that surrounds it. Then we drove past Lake Mead, which is another surreal place. It's this huge vibrant blue lake i n the middle of a desert, with no vegetation around it whatsoever. It was created after the Hoover Dam was built, backing up the Colorado River. The Hoover Dam was cool to see, although there were a lot of people there, and there was a lot of construction, as they're making a bridge byway in view of the dam, so people can get a better look and also eliminate some of the security that comes with driving over the dam.
That night we drove across the Mojave Desert to get to California. The next day we drove up the middle of the state (very deserty and bright) to get to the Sierra Nevadas. We camped among the sequoias and sugarpine trees that night. There were more mosquitos than I had ever seen before.
We got to see the sequoias, which are unbelieveable and beautiful. Ryan bought a seed that he's going to plant to get one to grow. Then we drove to Mountain View.
Mountain View feels like Pleasantville in its cleanliness, newness, and brightness. The weather is temperate and always sunny, the streets are wide and tree-lined, and the buildings look new and well cared-for. We moved Ryan into his apartment, which is cute and will serve him well I think. A day later I left. I think he'll be very happy there. There seems to be a large younger population, and it's a very tech-savvy place (Silicon Valley and all).
Well, that's about it. Apparently during Scouts Ryan's leader-person had a game called Thorns and Roses, in which you told your favorite and worst experience on the trip. My rose was Coral Pink Sands State Park, and for good reason. My thorn (other than having to leave Ryan) was that we had such long days on the road we usually were too tired to do anything but sleep after we got to the campsite, and we often didn't leave early enough to get into camp before dusk.
Overall though, the trip was pleasant and fun and well worth the 10 days it took to drive.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
... after the longest vacation I've taken in a while (Hawaii doesn't count since I had to leave early). I'll post more about the trip tomorrow, since I'm too tired tonight, but suffice it to say that I had a really good time, and that it sucked to leave Ryan, but that I'm ok, and it was really fun.
And it's fricking HOT here. I thought 120 degrees in Nevada was bad.... :P
And it's fricking HOT here. I thought 120 degrees in Nevada was bad.... :P
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Tomorrow!!... I mean, TODAY!!
So, today in approximately 17 hours, I will be leaving for Cincinnati to begin my 11 day road trip across the country. I'm really really excited. I'll be driving with Ryan, his mom, and his mom's boyfriend to send him off to California. Although it's not the greatest reason ever (stupid Google ::grumble grumble::), I'm planning on having a really good time. Here's a list of some of the things I'll be doing.
. Grand Canyon (North Rim this time)
. Rocky Mountains
. Las Vegas
. Mojave Desert
. Sequoia National Park
. LOTS of camping!
. moving Ryan in to his new place... on the other side of the continent...
The route (for me) is: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California. Thursday to the following following Monday. 12 days. EXCITING.
I will bring back lots of pictures. Not that many people care. But some might!
. Grand Canyon (North Rim this time)
. Rocky Mountains
. Las Vegas
. Mojave Desert
. Sequoia National Park
. LOTS of camping!
. moving Ryan in to his new place... on the other side of the continent...
The route (for me) is: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California. Thursday to the following following Monday. 12 days. EXCITING.
I will bring back lots of pictures. Not that many people care. But some might!
Monday, July 03, 2006
Long Weekend, Long Post
I haven't updated in a while because Ryan came for the weekend, and we were busy. :) It was nice to have someone around to do things with, especially someone as pleasant and energetic as Ryan. We went to see the movie Water (which everyone should see). It's a really really good Indian film about the widow houses in certain parts of India. And it's a love story. And it has hot Indian actors in it. We also went to Frick Park and walked around, which was really fun because I love Frick and I got to show Ryan all the cool places in it. Then we made pottery. There's this really cute store on Forbes that sells pottery you can paint any way you like. I painted Ryan a bowl with a panorama of a beach in Hawaii we found, and he painted me a pot for my orchids.
On Saturday we went to a 4th of July party my family was having in Avella. We spent the day in the pool, hanging out with my family, and eating a ton of food. I got really sunburned, and my skin is sooooo itchy. And then we got lost on our way back to Pittsburgh. We somehow missed BOTH the exits: one from the south approach, and then again from the north approach. Silly us.
On Sunday I felt like crap because of my sunburn, and it was super hot outside, so we didn't do very much. We went to Phipps and went out to dinner, then met up with an old Soundbyte and went out to dinner again. It was really fun to see her again.
Ryan just left this morning, and although I miss him already, I get to see him again in 4 days when we go on our cross-country road trip. :)
And now we get to it. Why am I writing a blog entry at 11:20 on a Monday morning? Well, why, thank you for asking! My job feels like a waste of time. My boss decides to email me on a Sunday night, telling me that no one will be in the office on Monday, and that I should just continue working on whatever I was working on. However, the last time I worked, I was working on my ability to nap whilst sitting at work.... She hasn't given me work in weeks, and I've just been asking my other sort-of boss for work. I haven't met my 15 hours a week for the last couple weeks, and I don't get paid a lot. It's my only job, and not working the full time means I don't get that money, which means I don't eat. I'm never informed of anything, and I never get anything interesting to do. It's just busy work, and not even important stuff at that. I feel like I'm wasting my time, and all my talent and intelligence and anything else I have is going to waste. I could do so much more, and I wish they would realize it. I wish my job was managed better, and wasn't so haphazard. I wish I was valued. Oh well. Maybe it will get better.... maybe not.
On Saturday we went to a 4th of July party my family was having in Avella. We spent the day in the pool, hanging out with my family, and eating a ton of food. I got really sunburned, and my skin is sooooo itchy. And then we got lost on our way back to Pittsburgh. We somehow missed BOTH the exits: one from the south approach, and then again from the north approach. Silly us.
On Sunday I felt like crap because of my sunburn, and it was super hot outside, so we didn't do very much. We went to Phipps and went out to dinner, then met up with an old Soundbyte and went out to dinner again. It was really fun to see her again.
Ryan just left this morning, and although I miss him already, I get to see him again in 4 days when we go on our cross-country road trip. :)
And now we get to it. Why am I writing a blog entry at 11:20 on a Monday morning? Well, why, thank you for asking! My job feels like a waste of time. My boss decides to email me on a Sunday night, telling me that no one will be in the office on Monday, and that I should just continue working on whatever I was working on. However, the last time I worked, I was working on my ability to nap whilst sitting at work.... She hasn't given me work in weeks, and I've just been asking my other sort-of boss for work. I haven't met my 15 hours a week for the last couple weeks, and I don't get paid a lot. It's my only job, and not working the full time means I don't get that money, which means I don't eat. I'm never informed of anything, and I never get anything interesting to do. It's just busy work, and not even important stuff at that. I feel like I'm wasting my time, and all my talent and intelligence and anything else I have is going to waste. I could do so much more, and I wish they would realize it. I wish my job was managed better, and wasn't so haphazard. I wish I was valued. Oh well. Maybe it will get better.... maybe not.
Monday, June 26, 2006
For the past week almost, I've been waiting very impatiently for the arrival of Ryan's car. Yes, I know, I'm sure he has been even more impatient to get it, but the car signifies the time that he can come and visit me. The later its arrival is postponed, the less time he'll get to spend here with me. So, it's Monday, and tomorrow is the very last day of waiting. The dealership guaranteed it would be here no later than tomorrow, which means Ryan could get here as early as Wednesday. However, I don't particularly trust them. If it doesn't come tomorrow, all hell breaks loose....
Stay tuned for further updates.
Stay tuned for further updates.
Friday, June 23, 2006
New Backpack!!
A few days ago I read this post on Some guy was selling sleeping bags and other gear. Come to find out it was Explorer's Club gear. Anyway, I bought a sleeping bag and a backpack for 60 dollars total! Given that new, it would have cost me over 400 dollars on the low end, I think I got a good deal. Here are some pictures of the backpack.

Phipps Butterflies
Monday, June 19, 2006
Internet Blues
So, uhh, yeah, I've been "stealing" internet from my neighbors for a little while, just until I get internet of my own. Unfortunately that date has been pushed back for several weeks because the person who needs to set it up is never home, so doesn't really care. And the fact that the internet I'm stealing is unreliable and for some reason isn't working at the moment means that I'm at work at 5 to 6:00, writing a blog entry and not going home. Let's hope things get rectified soon. It's not good to let an internet addict go without for very long...
In other news, I miss Ryan. Yeah, I know, it's old news, but hey, it's a daily occurrence.
In other news, I miss Ryan. Yeah, I know, it's old news, but hey, it's a daily occurrence.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Bored, anyone?
So, this is the time when my lovely friends who read this blog can answer a question for me. I'm in Pittsburgh for the summer, and I'm basically at a loss on what to do with myself. CMU teaches you how to think or work under pressure, etc. but it strips your ability to have fun. I spent a few days sitting around going, what now? and just kind of wandering aimlessly around because I don't have any work to do. Pathetic, I know. So I wondered: just what do people do with their time now that they actually have some of it free? Feel free to answer in the comments section.....
Monday, June 12, 2006
I have nothing major to report, but here are some things I've been doing that might be of interest. :) I'm starting to get used to having free time. Last week I kinda just wandered around and didn't know what to do with myself. I've started to work out again, after about 6 weeks of hiatus due to finals, being home, and being semi-injured. I'm planning on reworking my body so I can be stronger, slimmer, and have a better self-image. We'll see if that happens. I'm off to a good start though: today I ran about 2 and a half miles, stretched, and did some upper body workout. I'll probably end up replacing workouts like that with dancing some days, once I choose a song to choreograph for next semester's DS.
I fell in love with the Greyhound this weekend. Well, not really in love, because it's still frustrating and such, but it was really peaceful, and the driver's are nice and funny, and there's a camaraderie among the passengers that is refreshing. Not to mention the ease at which I can travel. However, I think this liking only applies to short trips, because any longer than 5 hours I think I'd start to hate it.
I love my job at the ACLU. It's the first time I've found people who are truly passionate about what they do. It makes it fun to come into work, and I actually feel like I'm making a difference, like I count and that I'm a valued intern who is doing work that is necessary. Not so my research position, which requires virtually no upper brain function and has nothing to do with research that I can see. Plus I do everything alone, and it can get lonely. Luckily I can bring my laptop, so I talk online (who'll care?) and take breaks. It's nice to have the familiarity of your own settings on a computer, and the mobility to work anywhere. Hopefully I'll earn enough trust by the end of the summer that I'll do something more than scan 500+ papers and articles into pdf.... something like, I don't know, research? At least it pays and it's good for my resume.
In other news, my roommate found an old Macbook, one that was discontinued in 1992, and it still kinda works. I mean, it doesn't boot the whole way, the screen is broken, and it she's trying to get it to stay on, but hey, it's a novelty!
And... today marks a year and a half since Ryan and I started dating. I thought I'd like to share. :)
I fell in love with the Greyhound this weekend. Well, not really in love, because it's still frustrating and such, but it was really peaceful, and the driver's are nice and funny, and there's a camaraderie among the passengers that is refreshing. Not to mention the ease at which I can travel. However, I think this liking only applies to short trips, because any longer than 5 hours I think I'd start to hate it.
I love my job at the ACLU. It's the first time I've found people who are truly passionate about what they do. It makes it fun to come into work, and I actually feel like I'm making a difference, like I count and that I'm a valued intern who is doing work that is necessary. Not so my research position, which requires virtually no upper brain function and has nothing to do with research that I can see. Plus I do everything alone, and it can get lonely. Luckily I can bring my laptop, so I talk online (who'll care?) and take breaks. It's nice to have the familiarity of your own settings on a computer, and the mobility to work anywhere. Hopefully I'll earn enough trust by the end of the summer that I'll do something more than scan 500+ papers and articles into pdf.... something like, I don't know, research? At least it pays and it's good for my resume.
In other news, my roommate found an old Macbook, one that was discontinued in 1992, and it still kinda works. I mean, it doesn't boot the whole way, the screen is broken, and it she's trying to get it to stay on, but hey, it's a novelty!
And... today marks a year and a half since Ryan and I started dating. I thought I'd like to share. :)
Saturday, June 10, 2006
I'm in Cincy for the weekend, visiting Ryan. So far it's been really fun, and today we're going to buy a car... for him, of course. I have to leave tomorrow, which is sad, because I like Cincinnati. But I get to go back to what is probably my favorite city, and that's ok. :)
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Comment section?
Ok, so I just looked at my comments section in this blog, and I seem to have been spammed by someone leaving the same or similar comments anonymously. If whoever is doing it is reading this, please stop, and if anyone knows how to fix it, let me know in a real comment. Thanks.
In Pittsburgh!
I've moved into my apartment for the summer, and I think it should be a good time. After I finish unpacking, that is, which I still have to do. However, I'm going to postpone that for a little while and take a visit to Cincinnati. :) It should be a good time.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Boredom Part 4
Last one for the night!! I promise!!
45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone | |
whats your name spelt backwards?: | nerual |
What did you do last night?: | I slept |
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: | season 1 of lost |
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?: | nope |
Last time you swam in a pool?: | oh man, it's been years I think |
What are you wearing?: | a gray t-shirt from DS and black capris |
How many cars have you owned?: | so far, none |
Type of music you dislike most?: | rap |
Are you registered to vote?: | yep |
Do you have cable?: | everywhere I live |
What kind of computer do you use?: | IBM thinkpad (my baby!!) |
Ever made a prank phone call?: | when I was, like, 9 |
You like anyone right now?: | yeppers, Ryan |
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: | when I was younger (like I'm that old!) but I'm kinda scared now |
Furthest place you ever traveled?: | now I'd say Hawaii |
What's your favorite comic strip?: | Calvin and Hobbes |
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?: | yep, I used to sing it at basketball games |
Shower, morning or night?: | morning |
Best movie you've seen in the past month?: | I've been too busy to see a new movie, but the last good one was V for Vendetta |
Favorite pizza toppings?: | pineapple and ham |
Chips or popcorn?: | CHEESE popcorn |
What cell phone provider do you have?: | Verizon |
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?: | lol, I didn't even know that was possible |
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: | ::sigh:: yes, my mother made me |
Orange Juice or apple?: | orange |
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?: | Ryan |
favorite chocolate bar?: | ooo, Reese's FastBreak (do they still make them?) |
Who is your longest friend and how long?: | I guess that would be Jackie, and over 10 years |
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: | too long |
Have you ever won a trophy?: | yes, for cheerleading and for the Community Days (beauty) pageant |
Favorite arcade game?: | pacman |
Ever ordered from an infomercial?: | nope, I don't buy into them, although I've been tempted |
Sprite or 7-UP?: | 7-UP |
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?: | yep, when I worked at the Hilton |
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?: | Well, Rite-Aid, and it was sunblock |
Ever thrown up in public?: | yes, probably more than once |
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?: | finding true love |
Do you believe in love at first sight?: | yes |
SPONGEBOB OR JIMMY NEUTRON?: | Spongebob of course! |
Did you have long hair as a young kid?: | down to my waist, and then my dad took me to the hair dresser's and I came back with a bowl cut. |
What message is on your voicemail machine?: | Ryan's |
Where would you like to go right now?: | to Red River Gorge |
Whats the name of your pet?: | Miann Jiuh (pronounced Min-jee) |
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?: | a very old Jansport, and it is storing other bags |
What do you think about most?: | the future (it's a blessing and a curse) |
Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
Boredom Part 3
Last one!! Maybe...
1o. -: | Glen Phillips - Everything But You |
o9. -: | Vienna Teng - Gravity |
o8. -: | Nickel Creek - Jealous of the Moon |
o7. -: | Hey Mama - Black Eyed Peas |
o6. -: | Michael Jackson - The Way You Make Me Feel |
o5. -: | Massive Attack - Inertia Creeps |
o4. -: | Dave Matthews Band - Two Step |
o3. -: | Copeland - Appalachian Spring |
o2. -: | Rusted Root - Send Me On My Way |
o1. -: | Stravinsky - Firebird Suite |
o9. -: | Maybe it's |
o8. -: | selfish, |
o7. -: | but |
o6. -: | I'd |
o5. -: | only |
o4. -: | die |
o3. -: | for |
o2. -: | Ryan |
o1. -: | My brother |
o8. -: | the entire Nickel Creek band |
o7. -: | Monet |
o6. -: | Cicero |
o5. -: | Gandhi |
o4. -: | Madeleine Albright |
o3. -: | Sandra Day O'Connor |
o2. -: | Jane Austen (for her books) |
o1. -: | Vienna Teng |
o7. -: | Masturbating furiously (long story) |
o6. -: | Not doing drugs here guys! |
o5. -: | never be without milk in Rolli's house |
o4. -: | cheese!!! |
o3. -: | my goodies??? |
o2. -: | YAY SNOW!!! |
o1. -: | ancient hawaiians, man |
o6. -: | My lips |
o5. -: | my voice |
o4. -: | my ability to fit into what would be an uncomfortable situation |
o3. -: | my future |
o2. -: | my eyes |
o1. -: | my feet |
o5. -: | messes |
o4. -: | dirty dishes |
o3. -: | war |
o2. -: | my parents' political close-mindedness |
o1. -: | not being appreciated, and seeing other people being unappreciated |
o4. -: | V for Vendetta |
o3. -: | Serenity |
o2. -: | The Philadelphia Story |
o1. -: | Batman Begins |
o2. -: | being so aloof |
o1. -: | not practicing piano more |
[ONE.] WiSH. | |
o1. -: | To make a difference |
Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Boredom Part 2
Another survey. I'm really bored tonight.
a little bit different | |
What's one thing do you own that you don't want anyone to touch?: | my computer |
The last thing you lost: | a sleeping pad |
Something you have that you should throw away: | my old school papers |
Something you're always getting yelled at for: | talking too much |
Favorite article of clothing: | my mint green lounge pants, I wear them almost every day |
Something unusual that you can do: | I can bend my toes backwards, a little |
Scariest movie you ever saw: | Event Horizon. It was scary when I was ten |
Present you hate getting: | I don't like getting things that are useless and knick-knacky |
Song that makes you want to dance: | Hey Mama by Black Eyed Peas |
Last song you got stuck in your head: | Passage by Vienna Teng |
Favorite scent of lotion or body wash: | Vanilla |
Dumbest fad you ever saw: | Beanie Babies. I can't believe I got snared into buying those stupid things! |
Worst line ever heard in a commercial: | hmm, can't remember, but there are some gruesome ones |
Dream you have over and over: | currently, it's being broken up with by my boyfriend in various ways |
Worst advice you ever got: | "Be above them". It made me snooty |
Last question you were asked: | Did you close the windows? |
Here's your chance to complain: | I really dislike it when people pass you over like you're nothing. Seriously, if you don't want to be a friend, then stop pretending. I also hate it when people think |
More room if you need it: | they're better than you because they have more work. There will always be someone with more work, and if you don't like it, stop. |
I am.......: | pensive and bored and missing Ryan |
Superstition you tend to observe: | not stepping on cracks |
Favorite muppet: | Beaker |
Most impulsive thing you do on a whim: | going out for breakfast between class (I know, I'm a square) |
Happiness is....: | being with the people you love |
The best thing that ever happened to you: | going to college |
Something somebody has of yours that you want back: | my bath towel |
Last thing you yelled about: | it was with my mom, but I can't remember what it was about |
Just once in my life I would like to...: | live in Europe |
Funniest scene in the movie Airplane: | I've never seen Airplane |
One word that cracks you up every time you hear it: | CHEESE!! |
CD you listen to over and over: | Nickel Creek self-titled |
Favorite microwave food: | popcorn |
Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?: | ewwww!! |
Thishas been more fun than...: | sitting around and staying bored |
Any last words?: | cheese |
Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
I've succumbed to my boredom, and here is the result. Enjoy!
85 question Survey :) | |
About me (yes this is timed) | |
Start Time:: | 10:59pm |
Name:: | Lauren |
Nickname:: | Laur |
Zodiac:: | Leo (rar!) |
Hair Color:: | brown |
Eye color:: | green |
Height:: | 5' 4" |
Fav. Color:: | PIIINKK! |
Piercings:: | ears only |
Birthplace:: | Clarksburg, WV which some people say is another planet |
Area Code:: | not on your life! |
Siblings:: | 1 |
Have You ever... | |
cut your own hair?:: | maybe when I was little |
Did something in the past month that you regret?:: | not transfer to stanford.... |
Met someone that you weren't supposed to?:: | don't think so |
Kissed someone who wasn't your b/f or g/f?:: | nope, I'm loyal |
Skipped school?:: | hmm, not this month |
Bungee Jumped?:: | kinda, it was a bungee swing thing |
Dumped someone?:: | yes, once |
Cheated on someone?:: | never |
Been arrested?:: | Imma good girl |
Broken into someones house?:: | see above |
Won something?:: | apparently I have lucky genes, cause I win a lot |
Been rejected?:: | yep, boys, colleges, friends, but doesn't everyone at some point? |
Been to a funeral?:: | several, but not recently |
Used a lighter?:: | hmm, can't remember |
Been on stage?:: | it was my life at one point in time |
Favorite... | |
Season:: | Autumn |
Food:: | at the moment, Pamela's lyonaisse potatoes, yummy! |
Ice cream flavor:: | it changes, but black raspberry is always tasty |
School subject:: | philosophy |
Person:: | Ryan!! (again, i'm loyal) |
Number:: | phi |
Book:: | Pride and Prejudice |
Movie:: | big fan of V for Vendetta, but I really love The Philadelphia Story |
Song:: | Easier by Glen Phillips atm |
Park:: | Schenley of course! |
State:: | I have two: Virginia and Washington |
Place:: | out in the woods, or on a beach, pretty much anywhere I can camp |
Sport to watch on TV:: | football!! |
Sport to play:: | lacrosse |
Band:: | Nickel Creek |
Letter:: | X, because it's underused |
Fast food restaurant:: | Wendy's |
Disney Princess:: | Cinderella |
TV Station:: | TCM (old movies are awesome) |
Name for a son:: | Oliver |
Name for a daughter:: | Claire |
Do you perfer... | |
chocolate or vanilla?:: | vanilla |
alcohol or non?:: | non usually |
long relationships or one night stands?:: | long relationships (they're the most fulfilling) |
dogs or cats?:: | both |
scary movies or comedies?: | comedies |
short or long hair?:: | medium |
croutons or bacon bits?:: | croutons |
kissing or hugging: | kissing AND hugging (I'm a rebel) |
1st thing you think of when i say... | |
School:: | CMU |
Grass:: | green |
Cows:: | spotted and placid |
Canada:: | ay? |
In the past 2 days have you... | |
Watched a movie?:: | no movie, just tv |
Talked on the phone?:: | Ryan, my mom, yeah |
Cried?:: | Yep |
Threw up?:: | No, I haven't for over a year |
Drank a glass of water?:: | Of course |
Done drugs?:: | I don't swing that way |
Read a book or magazine?:: | Ender's Game, Collapse |
Watched tv?:: | too much of it |
Looked in a mirror?:: | How would I make sure I look pretty otherwise? |
Taken a shower?:: | it's hot and sticky outside, what do you think? |
Taken a picture?:: | no, although I should |
Listened to music?:: | yep, I'm in a chill mood currently |
Kissed someone?:: | NO! :( :( :( |
Told someone you liked them?:: | yep, Ryan, about a dozen times |
Chatted online?:: | yessir |
Commented someone?:: | oh, it took me a second, no |
Made a new layout for your MySpace?:: | I don't have a myspace |
Bought something?:: | I just went shopping with Mommy :) |
End time:: | 11:18pm |
Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
Monday, May 29, 2006
Reading List (an ongoing project)
In the attempt to make myself productive (and to keep from being bored) I've compiled a reading list of books or topics I want to read and know more about in general. Here it is, in its initial form (and I'm sure will be altered and added to in the weeks and months to come):
- Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card (completed, and very worth the reading)
- A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller, Jr.
- The Telling by Ursula K. Leguin
- Collapse by Jared Diamond (begun)
- The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov
- a Marie Antoinette biography (I'm intrigued by her life and the French Revolution)
- the collected works of Henrik Ibsen
- a play by Virginia Woolf (as yet to be determined)
- at least one Shakespeare play (I have his collected works, and have already read a few, so why not?)
- another Edward Albee play
- Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett
- finish the collected works of Ray Bradbury
- a novel by E.M. Forster (as yet to be determined)
- the rest of the readings I couldn't finish from last semester
- Cicero
- and, to reward myself, a rereading of my old favorite, Pride and Prejudice
I think that's a good start to my list. As you may have noticed (all those who care to read this blog) there are a lot of plays on the list. I have long felt that I have neglected dramatic works, and need to spend some time catching up. Plus, they are short (a couple of hours reading at most for some) and so I don't have to pour over them for a long time, and can read them over if I choose (and probably will for some, to make out more meaning).
Let's see if I can accomplish my goal.
- Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card (completed, and very worth the reading)
- A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller, Jr.
- The Telling by Ursula K. Leguin
- Collapse by Jared Diamond (begun)
- The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov
- a Marie Antoinette biography (I'm intrigued by her life and the French Revolution)
- the collected works of Henrik Ibsen
- a play by Virginia Woolf (as yet to be determined)
- at least one Shakespeare play (I have his collected works, and have already read a few, so why not?)
- another Edward Albee play
- Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett
- finish the collected works of Ray Bradbury
- a novel by E.M. Forster (as yet to be determined)
- the rest of the readings I couldn't finish from last semester
- Cicero
- and, to reward myself, a rereading of my old favorite, Pride and Prejudice
I think that's a good start to my list. As you may have noticed (all those who care to read this blog) there are a lot of plays on the list. I have long felt that I have neglected dramatic works, and need to spend some time catching up. Plus, they are short (a couple of hours reading at most for some) and so I don't have to pour over them for a long time, and can read them over if I choose (and probably will for some, to make out more meaning).
Let's see if I can accomplish my goal.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
The Roommate Tango
So, as many of you know, my living situation was not all that pleasant this year, for a variety of reasons. One of my roommates (the young one hrmmm) rubbed me the wrong way from the minute I walked in the door last August. We battled constantly, back and forth, but it's strange to look back and realize just how little I knew about her life, despite having shared a living space for 8 months. All I knew of her were her volume (loud and louder), her uncleanliness (her hair was everywhere, she never cleaned dishes, empty of half-filled bottles scattered througout the apartment, etc.), her wanton waste, her insomnia (she pulled the weirdest hours), her messed-up friends, and her incredible dislike for me, among other things. I'm sure all she knew of me was my continual nagging to clean up and help out and pleading with her to turn the volume of her music down. I'd rather not have someone thinking that that is all that I am, but I suppose it can't be helped now.
Anyway, it comes time to leave, and I'm the last one. I figured I'd be doing most of the cleaning up because I'm the last, but I was fervently hoping that she would at least clean the dishes that had been molding in the kitchen from her use. However, totally disappointed with that one. Not only did she fail to clean up after herself, Maggie and I seriously thought she hadn't left until we realized she hadn't come back for two days. A list would make it easier to explain why:
1. she didn't clean anything up
2. she had left things in the bathroom
3. she had left things in the kitchen
4. her tv, microwave, and other boxes were left sitting outside the door in the hall (actually blocking it to the point where Maggie had to move them)
With so much stuff left, we seriously thought she was coming back. Her friends ended up moving the boxes in the hall to storage, and I don't know what I would have done if they had been left to sit there. I probably would have sold them (hey, they'd be pitched anyway, and I was NOT about to move them to storage for her. I'm not that altruistic). However, the stuff in the apartment is here to stay:
1. 5 pitchers that she bought to use for her drinking party
2. a huge party jug thingy
3. ALL of her pots, pans, and kitchen stuff
4. shot glasses
5. a pair of pants
6. what seems like a very expensive and as yet unworn pair of knee-high boots
The worst thing about all of this? I have to pack it all up and make sure that I or Maggie don't get charged for them being left. Firstly, I wouldn't move them to storage because a) that would be a lot of work for me and b) I can't get a hold of her to actually do that for her. Secondly, she seems to care so little for the stuff since she left it all that I doubt it would even be worth it to do so.
The nicest thing about all of this? The boots seem to be just my size.... :P
Anyway, it comes time to leave, and I'm the last one. I figured I'd be doing most of the cleaning up because I'm the last, but I was fervently hoping that she would at least clean the dishes that had been molding in the kitchen from her use. However, totally disappointed with that one. Not only did she fail to clean up after herself, Maggie and I seriously thought she hadn't left until we realized she hadn't come back for two days. A list would make it easier to explain why:
1. she didn't clean anything up
2. she had left things in the bathroom
3. she had left things in the kitchen
4. her tv, microwave, and other boxes were left sitting outside the door in the hall (actually blocking it to the point where Maggie had to move them)
With so much stuff left, we seriously thought she was coming back. Her friends ended up moving the boxes in the hall to storage, and I don't know what I would have done if they had been left to sit there. I probably would have sold them (hey, they'd be pitched anyway, and I was NOT about to move them to storage for her. I'm not that altruistic). However, the stuff in the apartment is here to stay:
1. 5 pitchers that she bought to use for her drinking party
2. a huge party jug thingy
3. ALL of her pots, pans, and kitchen stuff
4. shot glasses
5. a pair of pants
6. what seems like a very expensive and as yet unworn pair of knee-high boots
The worst thing about all of this? I have to pack it all up and make sure that I or Maggie don't get charged for them being left. Firstly, I wouldn't move them to storage because a) that would be a lot of work for me and b) I can't get a hold of her to actually do that for her. Secondly, she seems to care so little for the stuff since she left it all that I doubt it would even be worth it to do so.
The nicest thing about all of this? The boots seem to be just my size.... :P
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
another year gone...
With the horribleness that was the Final Final, I am now completely done with my sophomore year. It had its ups and downs (now I understand the whole "sophomore slump" concept), but there were still some really good times. Next year will have its problems too, I can already see that (think occasional extreme emotional pain and separation anxiety) but I'm very optimistic. I'm also excited, because I'll have a lot more time to do what I want, when I want, and learn the things I want to learn.
And it's also not here yet, and I have over three glorious months to work, make peanuts (but still get by), hang out with friends, family, and more-than-friends (::wink::), and relax my tired brain to prepare for the coming scholastic brutality that CMU graciously provides.
I also think I've learned more about myself, and although there was no epiphany, no sudden insight into my life and aspirations for the future, I'm confident that there is more to come. I hope I'm ready to take it on...
And it's also not here yet, and I have over three glorious months to work, make peanuts (but still get by), hang out with friends, family, and more-than-friends (::wink::), and relax my tired brain to prepare for the coming scholastic brutality that CMU graciously provides.
I also think I've learned more about myself, and although there was no epiphany, no sudden insight into my life and aspirations for the future, I'm confident that there is more to come. I hope I'm ready to take it on...
The Final Final
School felt like it was over on Friday. I had finished 4 exams, 2 papers, and an audition, and I was pooped. But no, the awesomeness of the weekend couldn't carry on until Monday. I just had to have that final final exam on Tuesday.
The last exam is always the one that kills you, because you want the torture to be over, and it's nearly impossible to concentrate on doing your best. You just want to get it over with, regardless of the outcome. You want it to be SUMMER, dammit, and that stupid final is getting in the way of imminent relief and happiness.
Having that last exam a weekend and a day later than your previous one is even worse. It's like you've had a taste of what life is going to be like post-exams, but it's shortly taken away from you come Monday (or Sunday) when you have to get off your vegetative keister and do some serious studying. But who wants to study when their brain is mush? Not me, no sir.
So here I am, almost 2am the night before my 8:30am final tomorrow, and am I studying like a good girl? Nope. I'm writing an entry in my lovely blog, hoping for it to be morning when I can just get this over with, get the B I know I'll get (that's a story in and of itself), and go back to basking in the wonderful realization that I don't have to think for the next 3 and a half months....
School felt like it was over on Friday. I had finished 4 exams, 2 papers, and an audition, and I was pooped. But no, the awesomeness of the weekend couldn't carry on until Monday. I just had to have that final final exam on Tuesday.
The last exam is always the one that kills you, because you want the torture to be over, and it's nearly impossible to concentrate on doing your best. You just want to get it over with, regardless of the outcome. You want it to be SUMMER, dammit, and that stupid final is getting in the way of imminent relief and happiness.
Having that last exam a weekend and a day later than your previous one is even worse. It's like you've had a taste of what life is going to be like post-exams, but it's shortly taken away from you come Monday (or Sunday) when you have to get off your vegetative keister and do some serious studying. But who wants to study when their brain is mush? Not me, no sir.
So here I am, almost 2am the night before my 8:30am final tomorrow, and am I studying like a good girl? Nope. I'm writing an entry in my lovely blog, hoping for it to be morning when I can just get this over with, get the B I know I'll get (that's a story in and of itself), and go back to basking in the wonderful realization that I don't have to think for the next 3 and a half months....
Monday, May 08, 2006
Instead of being a good girl and studying for exams I've decided to procrastinate majorly. One person can only take so much cramming before they "esplode". So, here's a love and hate list, influenced by my current mood:
Things I Love (in no particular order):
1. Billy Joel concertos
2. seeing Ryan rock back and forth on his chair in deep concentration
3. Pringles
4. Wild Cherry Pepsi
5. dancing
6. sudoku
7. flowers
8. the end of the semester
9. puppies
10. pride and prejudice
Things I Hate:
1. noisy neighbors
3. dadss
2. sudoku
3. people who don't respond to IMs even though you know they are on
4. dirty dishes
5. the national debt
6. dadss again (cause you can't just hate on it once)
7. the end of the semester
8. being dehydrated
9. lack of sleep
10. california
Yep, it could be made a lot longer, but I should stop procrastinating now and get back to work. poo....
Things I Love (in no particular order):
1. Billy Joel concertos
2. seeing Ryan rock back and forth on his chair in deep concentration
3. Pringles
4. Wild Cherry Pepsi
5. dancing
6. sudoku
7. flowers
8. the end of the semester
9. puppies
10. pride and prejudice
Things I Hate:
1. noisy neighbors
3. dadss
2. sudoku
3. people who don't respond to IMs even though you know they are on
4. dirty dishes
5. the national debt
6. dadss again (cause you can't just hate on it once)
7. the end of the semester
8. being dehydrated
9. lack of sleep
10. california
Yep, it could be made a lot longer, but I should stop procrastinating now and get back to work. poo....
Saturday, May 06, 2006
End of Semester/DS
So.... the semester's finally over. How can time move so slowly and quickly simultaneously? I'm so glad I'm done with stupid classes (DADSS comes to mind...) and that I can relax and have some fun. However, Ryan's leaving in less than two weeks, and that makes me really really sad. I don't want him to leave.
DS was tonight and last night also, and it was awesome! My dancer's were awesome, and all my dances were really great. I really improved as a dancer this semester, and next semester's dance should be really really fun.
DS was tonight and last night also, and it was awesome! My dancer's were awesome, and all my dances were really great. I really improved as a dancer this semester, and next semester's dance should be really really fun.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
t-minus 5 days and counting until classes are over!
Too bad I still don't know where I'm living, or exactly where I'm working this summer....
Too bad I still don't know where I'm living, or exactly where I'm working this summer....
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Let the work...continue?
For starters, it's probably not a good thing that you're reading this entry, because it shouldn't technically be here. I'm wasting precious time in writing it, time I really can't afford to waste doing things other than work. But here I am wasting time writing. Such is life.
I seriously don't know how I'm going to get it all done. What's more, I strangely don't care. I'm so sick of doing work for classes I hate. And the worst thing is that I probably wouldn't hate these classes if I wasn't taking them at the same time. I would actually enjoy them... maybe. But piling all the work of six classes, three that are quite time-consuming and difficult, is a stretch. It's too bad I didn't recognize it sooner. That's irrelevant now though. What is relevant are the two project-experiments I have to complete, a huge paper to finish, a presentation to prepare, a dance (plastique anime) to choreograph, studying for exams to do, and oh yeah, homework that my professors keep piling on....
Pray for me.
I seriously don't know how I'm going to get it all done. What's more, I strangely don't care. I'm so sick of doing work for classes I hate. And the worst thing is that I probably wouldn't hate these classes if I wasn't taking them at the same time. I would actually enjoy them... maybe. But piling all the work of six classes, three that are quite time-consuming and difficult, is a stretch. It's too bad I didn't recognize it sooner. That's irrelevant now though. What is relevant are the two project-experiments I have to complete, a huge paper to finish, a presentation to prepare, a dance (plastique anime) to choreograph, studying for exams to do, and oh yeah, homework that my professors keep piling on....
Pray for me.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Carnival's End
Carnival was great this year! I got drunk for the first time (I know, laugh it up) and went to a wedding that made me feel very old, saw booth and mobot races, missed buggy for the second time (poo) and, the best part, didn't do ANY work WHATSOEVER. I feel refreshed, and although these next two weeks might kill me, I am more capable of handling it than I would have been able to without the break.
Something also happened this weekend, and although I can't give details, I might be busier than I expected to be next year...
Something also happened this weekend, and although I can't give details, I might be busier than I expected to be next year...
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Soooo unlike most schools, Carnegie Mellon doesn't recognize most religious holidays. Some professors cancel class on Jewish holidays (because they're Jewish) but it's not a formally sanctioned holiday by the school. However, we do get time off one weekend each April, and things get so crazy around here that CMU looks kinda like a normal college campus for a short time.
This year I'm excited, because I'm not sick like last year and because there are some fun things going on. I know more about it, and I have a list of things to do already semi-planned. However, most of the fun of Carnival is just doing whatever the hell you want, so all of what I'm going to do is, hopefully, going to be spontanous.
Unfortunately for me, I have so much work that it would be very beneficial for my poor little GPA if I spent the whole break doing that instead of partying.... but who wants to do that?
This year I'm excited, because I'm not sick like last year and because there are some fun things going on. I know more about it, and I have a list of things to do already semi-planned. However, most of the fun of Carnival is just doing whatever the hell you want, so all of what I'm going to do is, hopefully, going to be spontanous.
Unfortunately for me, I have so much work that it would be very beneficial for my poor little GPA if I spent the whole break doing that instead of partying.... but who wants to do that?
Monday, April 17, 2006
First post
Being a Google product junkie (fed mostly by my soon-to-be Google employee boyfriend) I've decided to check out this blog to see how I like it. Maybe I'll use it instead of xanga, which seems kind of confined. Enjoy reading my thoughts in the days to come!
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